.CA Spaces.ca Sold For $67,800 & VMS.ca For $7,300 By By Ilze Kaulins-Plaskacz (1 Viewing)


Gold Notable Member
Jul 3, 2021
Toronto, ON
In the movie Groundhog Day a TV weatherman finds himself reliving the same day over and over again. I'm starting to understand what that feels like (I was even a TV weatherman myself many years ago). The difference is I am starting to feel like I am reliving the same two weeks over and over again when I prepare our bi-weekly domain sales reports. That's because every new all extension Top 20 Sales Chart seems to feature a half dozen or more .AI domain names (even though it is a ccTLD for Anguilla, a sparsely populated British island territory in the Caribbean). We all know the artificial intelligence boom is fueling that explosion...

Congrats @Ilze

Spaces․ca acquired by Village Media

VMS․ca acquired by Mark Monitor for a client. Will have to wait and see who the buyer is.
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congrats on the sales! I’m not sure I’d have been able to get that much out of spaces, especially with the .com not in use. surprised a Canadian media company would go that high. was it a long/difficult negotiation? looking forward to seeing more on the ray.ca sale if details are available
I ofcourse enjoy my own sales the most, but I can honestly say I still get a very good feeling when I see a .ca sell for a good price anywhere.
congrats on the sales! I’m not sure I’d have been able to get that much out of spaces, especially with the .com not in use. surprised a Canadian media company would go that high. was it a long/difficult negotiation? looking forward to seeing more on the ray.ca sale if details are available
Ray.ca was sold by my brother...so can not give any details...sorry...
I would buy Frank.ca

Sure, but for how much?

After all, it's for sale and likely either RLM or Eby owns it.

I think was Ilze is saying is that at the price you have to pay for a First Name at wholesale, it's very difficult to get someone to buy it at a price necessary (using domain math) to make a profit.


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