SquadHelp.com Gets $10m Investment (1 Viewing)


Gold Notable Member
Jul 3, 2021
Toronto, ON
Andrew Miller will be joining the Board of Directors.

Hilco Digital Assets, a leading digital asset investment and advisory company, has recently closed a $10 million investment as the lead strategic investor in SquadHelp. The news was announced on Twitter, and it has created a buzz in the tech and investment community. The investment is a significant milestone for SquadHelp, a company that is revolutionizing domain name transactions, branding, and product testing.

SquadHelp's success lies in its advanced tech, crowdsourcing, and the cutting-edge use of AI/ChatGPT. The platform is a game-changer for businesses that are struggling to find the perfect name or branding for their products. It leverages the power of the crowd to generate a wide range of ideas, which are then evaluated by AI/ChatGPT to determine the best fit.

Hilco Digital Assets' investment is a testament to the potential of SquadHelp's innovative platform. The investment firm believes in the company's mission to revolutionize the domain name and branding industry, and it has put its money where its mouth is. As part of the deal, Andrew Miller will be joining SquadHelp's Board of Directors.

Hilco Digital Assets has big plans for SquadHelp. The investment firm has announced that it will be introducing a very strategic and important feature for ultra-premium domain names on the platform this summer. This feature will likely attract high-end clients and further cement SquadHelp's position as a leading player in the industry.

There is also a feature story coming out next week on SquadHelp, which has generated a lot of excitement among the company's followers. The story will provide a deeper insight into SquadHelp's operations, strategies, and future plans.
The news of Hilco Digital Assets' investment in SquadHelp is a welcome development for the domain investment community. It highlights the potential of innovative platforms that leverage crowdsourcing and AI/ChatGPT to solve real-world problems. As more companies realize the benefits of these technologies, we can expect to see more exciting developments in the domain name and branding industry.
Article by: ChatGPT
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With over a 150,000 premium names you would figure they could find a better brand than Squad Help.

What does Squad Help say to the ordinary person?

Spend some of that cash and start by better branding for your own company!

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