Summertime blues no more (1 Viewing)

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Nov 7, 2020
Vernon, BC
Usually I find summers slow for sales, and it started off that way. But I've had a slew of them in the past week, including 2 in the low 5 figs and the rest in 4 figs, and nothing below $3K. All direct sales, no commissions, although one was $3K down and a lease-to-own payment plan, which I'm sure he'll pay off. Anyone else having a good late summertime run?

One bummer though, had an offer come though GoDaddy broker, I countered, they countered, I accepted, clicked the link to accept terms, broker said he'd take care of payment asap. Then a few days later he says the client has "withdrawn their request". That's trying to put a very light spin on a reneged contract.... Disappointing but not much you can do about it.
Had a good summer too. Nothing to complain. Kept us going.
Congrats to you both, glad to hear this!

haven't been seeing the same in terms of sales or inquiries, still quiet. But goes to show that even in uncertain economic times domains will sell and the movement to online chugs along.

perhaps because summer is coming to a close, companies are starting to think about the Fall and return to business and new initiatives in September and into the year end?
Wish it could be better, and we all wish that. Don't we. Hopefully things will warm up in the domain market in Sept/Oct when everyone else is back on their desks after their long awaited summer outings.
Usually I find summers slow for sales, and it started off that way. But I've had a slew of them in the past week, including 2 in the low 5 figs and the rest in 4 figs, and nothing below $3K.

Congrats on all the sales, and these things do tend to happen in bunches.

Summer was pretty good to me overall, but the last month has been bad news - lots of 3- and very low 4-figure offers, but no one wants to grab the brass ring, even if it's extremely close. It's infuriating to say the least to have ~$20K in 4-figure offers that could be in my TBR monthly pot (rather than $0), but at least the "buyer stories" have gotten a lot better, from a "Greek God Cartoon Site" to a "Wizard of Oz Fanfic Page". :D

Alas, while their amusing stories do make me laugh, I still need a firm sale like the desert needs the rain.
Sometimes when I look back and add up all the offers I've turned down in the past year, it really starts to add up! Then I wonder what was I thinking. Then the next offer of $1500 comes in and I'm like, counter offer higher...
Sometimes when I look back and add up all the offers I've turned down in the past year, it really starts to add up! Then I wonder what was I thinking. Then the next offer of $1500 comes in and I'm like, counter offer higher...

That's the way it's always been for me, where I more than made up for the very low 4-figure offers I refused, with solid 4-figure sales I accepted... except for this month, which is what's bothering me. I've made exactly $0 over the last 30 days or so and could have pocketed $20K if I had accepted all the 4-figure offers. That's screwed up royally.

I'm getting 4-figure offers out the ying-yang, but no one wants to hit the buy price and that's unprecedented for me at least.

The math just ain't working for me right now and all come hope is that some of these late-Summer chickens come home to roost in the Fall.
Due to the sheer level of time I spent negotiating, countering and otherwise dealing with a pile of lying, loutish "potential buyers" over the past month for $0 in revenue, as of September 1, I am going dark for a month and will no longer reply to any offers that aren't within my buy range.

Sure, I may lose a small sale or two, but who cares, as I don't depend on domain revenue (though it is nice) and it's far more important to take back some control from the nitwits on pure fishing expeditions whose prime directive seems to be to "get a firm price" without any intent to buy. I recently "form lettered" one guy that I was "no longer countering bids lower than 4-figures" and he replied that he just wanted to know if "the price was $2,000, $3,000 or higher" - I relented a bit and replied it was in the low to mid 4-figure range.... and he immediately ghosted me. :devilish:

30 Days of Night should be an interesting experiment in stare-down techniques to help gain back control,, as well as to see how these hammerheads react and what type lies they come up with to "get a price".

I will report back on my findings at the end of the month. I'll also keep a log of the funnier/stranger "I am creating a Greek God Cartoon Site", "I want to buy it to create a site for my dog" and "I need the domain for a Wizard of Oz Fanfic page" stories to post on here. :unsure: :D :rolleyes:
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Wouldn't you know it, right after I post this I get 2 more offers on Dan, to which I summarily DECLINED, and now both of them are whining for a price.

Screw this noise. :mad:
Screw this noise.

Sales is an interesting field to be in, one has to be able to put up with the noise and zoom in on the potential client.

I know when I was running a Mercedes-Benz franchise I trained the salesmen how to spot the cues of a real client as opposed to the tire kickers.

On an inquiry it is not that straight forward but I can tell you I just closed a deal that took eight months from start to finish. At no point did I lose interest in the client, I was polite and firm and kept dialogue open. I'm glad I sent an email asking for an update because that is when the sale finally happened.

So don't despair, what looks like a loss today can easily be a sale tomorrow.

I hope you have a better August, there is some heat left for the month (y)
I couldn't care less about having no sales over such a short period of time as a month, but I really need to lose the idiot non-buyers, and their inherent pestering and abuse, for at least a month or so. I seem to be attracting 4-figure tire kickers like flies and I need to buy a new swatter.

And you wouldn't believe the insane "I want to buy it because..." stories I get on Dan, it's like Grimm's Fairy Tales for domainers.

So I either remove all my domains from marketplaces for a few months, or I just go dark and only reply to the serious buyers with serious offers, and I chose the latter.

We'll see how it works out and even if I make $0 again, at least I won't have to deal with the unwashed rabble on a daily basis, and that's definitely a big plus. The only problem is what I ran into today with a pair of Dan offers, as I choose September due to school starting up again, but I still have 12 days until the 1st. :rolleyes: :oops:šŸ˜­
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@DomainRecap You can always just set a price and leave no way to counter. Its an either take-it-or-leave-it scenario that requires zero contact. I've done that with lower value domains that I couldn't care less about and set prices in the low XXXX. If they can't afford that, they don't deserve to be in business. Leave the negotiating to domains worth negotiating.
@DomainRecap You can always just set a price and leave no way to counter. Its an either take-it-or-leave-it scenario that requires zero contact. I've done that with lower value domains that I couldn't care less about and set prices in the low XXXX. If they can't afford that, they don't deserve to be in business. Leave the negotiating to domains worth negotiating.

The problem with this solution is that I list on multiple sales venues, so logistically speaking, only one can have a BIN or you'll be getting in all kinds of trouble. So if I put a $3500 price on Dan (and I have tried) buyers all run to GD and start lowballing there. Ask Esdiel about this tactic as he's run into it as well.

I was trying to find a happy medium by raising my min-bids across the board, while making sure Dan was the lowest, and it seemed to be working fine and it wasn't a big hassle or a time sink... right up until the last month or so where things have devolved quite significantly. It's almost like an arm's race between buyer and seller, with each constantly tweaking his strategy to keep up the with the other.

And I just need a break from the arm's race so I'm taking a month off. I think it will be an interesting experiment to see if the tire kickers and lowballers get the message, while the serious buyers stay serious.
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hmmm... Feels like i have been dark for a cpl years lol

I know what you mean, but I've been consistently expanding my domain portfolio, while trying to up the quality level, and it seems to have come to a head this month. My domain listings must have been published in Lowballer Weekly. :D

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