.CA Sway.ca - Sold $2,500 USD (1 Viewing)


Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Toronto, ON


Lots of fast moving images when you visit this site and in my opinion moving way too fast.

Mentions New York a few times so I was a bit confused thinking a US company picked it up but it looks like they are from Guelph Ontario.
Nice name. As per Namebio, it sold at Uni in 2017


So when GoDaddy shows these comps, they're from their own (and now Uni's) internal sales database right? So if a domain is reported at Namebio but wasn't sold through a GoDaddy owned entity would GoDaddy ever use it as a comp?

Example...Voice.com was sold privately so would that ever be used as a comp on the GoDaddy valuation page? I've played around with short one-word .COM valuations and never saw Voice.com listed
MapleDots said:
Lots of fast moving images when you visit this site and in my opinion moving way too fast.

Agreed, it's like running at a fast-motion setting.
Spex said:
Example...Voice.com was sold privately so would that ever be used as a comp on the GoDaddy valuation page? I've played around with short one-word .COM valuations and never saw Voice.com listed

It's there if you type in Voice.com or Voice.co or Voice.ca, etc., but it just says the standard "more than $25,000" as a sale price.
DomainRecap said:
It's there if you type in Voice.com or Voice.co or Voice.ca, etc., but it just says the standard "more than $25,000" as a sale price.

Lol, sometimes the simplest test is the most obvious one and I missed it. I was typing words like jump, dance, fly, sing and never saw voice.com pop up :)

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