TBR Drop - Feb 15, 2023 (1.Viewing)

woodwork.ca my bid $165, sells for $165 but I lost? WHC-FM @FM
There was a bid for the same amount placed shortly before your bid - in those cases that can happen with proxy bids, the earlier bid wins.

It seems that in some edge cases where bids overlap or the interface isn't reloaded lower bids are not being rejected when they should be - we'll investigate this further. The backorder center should display you as the losing bidding.
Majestic was the King of my board but I still don't feel comfortable paying 4-figures, especially via eTransfer.

I was also surprised at the price on 5N - that's a serious appreciation on past wholesale prices, which was usually $200-$400, and I don't see anything that makes 5N that much more special than some of the others, some of which were pretty good.

In fact, 5N looks much worse. But hey, what do I know?

Agreed. 5N was a long hold $1101 lottery ticket. Better ways to invest money than that, IMO.

Yeah, I think Majestic was registration #001 by MyID too. Someone made a comment about WHC doing really well this week, auction numbers prove they're still a distant second... By what I was tracking, WHC raked in about $5K, still certainly a profitable day for them as they probably only need to profit $2K a week to cover their TBR connections. But MyID had well over $12K. WHC does have a bunch more $20 domains though, but at $10.50 profit that adds up to an extra $1K. Compare that to maybe 20 extra $60 min bid (or more) registrations at MyID, thats an extra $1200, so more domains for WHC, but similar profits. And note these numbers are just based on what people reported, so they will be a little low, but probably not too much higher either.

No one else really matters much in TBR, although Baremetal sneaks in more frequently than anyone else with a surprise score. They got brg this week as the #004 overall pick. Unfortunately for them, it was just one of many LLL's and not a great one-worder. But it is still equal or better than all the other LLL's this week, except for lip and lol.

Baremetal & Burmac are the two that really clean up on the dregs due to the low entry price. I think Baremetal is slightly cheaper and is much more successful with getting their orders fulfilled before Burmac does. By the time Burmac registers them, they're really just domains literally no one else wanted. I find it weird that someone is still using Burmac for so many domains each week though rather than placing those orders at Baremetal, who is a bit cheaper and better at acquiring the dregs. I wonder if that buyer has a deal with or is associated with Burmac somehow. Otherwise it doesn't make sense.
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I was apparently the last person to pre-bid on a couple domains that WHC won. I'm bad for pasting in a large list and figuring I'll get outbid on the crap I didn't want anyways. Since no one bid after, I got stuck with 2 domains in today's auction. One I really didn't want, one I'm happy with. Hopefully the one makes up for the other that'll I'll probably be dropping in a year, lol...
I was apparently the last person to pre-bid on a couple domains that WHC won. I'm bad for pasting in a large list and figuring I'll get outbid on the crap I didn't want anyways. Since no one bid after, I got stuck with 2 domains in today's auction. One I really didn't want, one I'm happy with. Hopefully the one makes up for the other that'll I'll probably be dropping in a year, lol...
I did that a little while back, entered at a stupid price figuring someone would outbid me.

Where were you when I needed you!!!!!!
My Fool's Gold Picks of the Week
Domains that are usually okay in terms of quality, but will sell for more than they should.

LLL: WMP.ca, LLT.ca, KFA.ca and KFE.ca

Single-words/Names: Mage.ca and Kellys.ca

* Watch out for those 's first names - I'm living proof of their almost total lack of salability, though I only dabble with prime names at $20 so my losses are minimal.

Lol. I just noticed this domain WMP kindra rung a bell with me, but mixed in with all the other LLL's I guess I didn't think much of it.

I actually sold that domain for $6500 USD about 10 years ago.

If you bought this domain in TBR last week, email me and I'll fill you in on who the buyer was - in case they ever come calling again.

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