TBR Musings - October 6, 2021 (1.Viewing)

Groot said:
I noticed fatburner jumped to June 2022 somehow...how does that happen?

Most likely a redemption of the domain by the owner before the list was final. According to CIRA the list should be final at 07:00 UTC Monday morning for the following Wednesday.
FM said:
If it was at Sibername, you need to get the backorder deleted via support for now. But maybe you know this already ;-)

Yeah, good luck with that. I've asked Sibername support multiple times to remove a domain from my TBR backorders that I accidentally typo'd and entered a long time ago. Still not done.
rlm said:
Yeah, good luck with that. I've asked Sibername support multiple times to remove a domain from my TBR backorders that I accidentally typo'd and entered a long time ago. Still not done.

Actually, I've screwed up with bids at Siber a few times, and after contacting support these did get deleted. You just need to give them time, like a few hours at least before the TBR.
or a few months. I should try to ask again and see if they get around to it this time. I'd kinda given up hope and just got used to ignoring it in my list each week. You'd think they'd just clean out their database of all these old orders...
rlm said:
Yeah, good luck with that. I've asked Sibername support multiple times to remove a domain from my TBR backorders that I accidentally typo'd and entered a long time ago. Still not done.

Please email me directly, support doesn't have access to do this at this point, it needs to be done in the database. frank@whc.ca .

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