Toxic chemical Hall of Shame' calls out retailers in time for holiday shopping (1.Viewing)

Jul 1, 2022
Toronto, ON

Major retailers are failing to protect consumers from hazardous chemicals and plastics in the products they sell, according to the 2024 Retailer Report Card released Thursday by Toxic Free Future, a nonprofit consumer product safety organization.

On average, the 50 largest retailers in the United States and Canada — which represent 160 businesses that generate over $4 trillion in annual revenue — received a grade of D+ for their failing efforts to protect customers, according to the publication.

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That article was front page news on CNN this morning.

Notice how many CANADIAN retailers are listed !!

These chemicals are everywhere, we need to make an effort to reduce exposure, more and more people getting cancer.

If you remove the chemicals you know are there our body can better deal with the ones we don't know about.
I looked for Dollarama on there, but it wasn't listed, but would certainly get an F. Or worse if the grading alphabet went any lower.

The large portion of product removals, shipment interceptions and health alerts in Canada originate from Dollarama, especially toys. I have literally seen plastic Montoy toys melting in their packages and that's pretty bad news for any kid playing with that volatile poison. Lots of lead warnings in toys too.

In terms of corporate oversight, Dollarama has to be the worst corporation in the Western world, as they sell anything to make a buck, and then pay the measly Health Canada and CBSA fines as the cost of doing business.

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Sponsors who contribute to keep free.

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