Trudeau gone in.... (4.Viewing)

MapleDotsMapleDots is verified member.
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Nov 4, 2020
Waterloo, ON
Trudeau Gone

The new official Trudeau topic

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It's not soon enough!

He's already spending massive amounts of money (that the country doesn't have) on more outlandishly insane "solutions" to problems that he directly created and this will certainly leave Canada in dire financial straits. It's probably his way of punishing us for not wanting him as PM anymore and to ensure that the PC Party inherits a total economic mess.

Basically, Trudeau is the evicted tenant who has decided to burn down the house in retaliation.
We are so screwed, even when he is gone he will still control the laws.

We may vote in the Conservatives but the Liberals will still rule unless we abolish senators.

I've said this before, but everything Trudeau has done while in office was to prolong his rule over Canada and that of the Liberal party.

He doesn't care an iota about Canadians, it's all been about maintaining power at any cost.
Trudeau is like a serial arsonist who's burned down the majority of Canadian households over the past 8 years and then wants to be congratulated for promising to replace and the doors and windows if he gets re-elected as PM. :rolleyes:

Just yesterday the Finance minister finally admitted that there is rampant abuse of the open-door policy on foreign students and temporary foreign workers and promised to "solve this serious problem" without any admission that the Liberals were entirely behind expanding these policies to allow the current abusive behavior.

No mention that the Liberals are entirely responsible for the impact it has on housing shortages, lineups for healthcare, the massive rise in unemployment for the 18-29 year old demographic, and the serious strain it's putting on other social programs.

The minister acted like someone else is responsible for the masses of people flowing into Canada unabated and that the Liberals would save us from those evil no-goodniks opening up our borders to anyone with a pulse.

If Canadians are foolish enough to re-elect this lying jackal, then they deserve all that they will get. And here is what we're going to get, which is clearly outlined in a population chart I found on the website, which details the historical population growth stats and you can easily see from the HUGE SPIKE from 2022-2024 in Net Migration, why we're currently in the horrible mess we are.

No country can take this kind of massive multi-year spike in migration-based population growth and survive. It's truly insane what the Liberals have actually done to purposefully destroy Canada, and especially Ontario.

The polls are pretty strong towards the Liberals and NDP losing if an election were held today. I fear most Canadians are sadly complacent and will somehow get tricked into voting in the Liberals again next year. The Liberals have a full year to get the economy better, which is what they need to do to have a chance at winning again. Remember really right now they are a minority government, so I shouldn't say "winning again". If the NDP ever grows a backbone they will force a no-confidence vote. But the NDP would probably rather continue their coalition with the Liberals rather than have an early election, lose seats, and see a Conservative majority. Singh looks so stupid criticizing Trudeau and the Liberals while continuing to keep them in power.

But you are right if people vote for the Liberals federally and for the NDP in BC this Fall, they get what they deserve, and the smart people just have to prepare accordingly for worse economic times.
An amusing side anecdote....

I was in Sobey's recently and there was a huge pile of water bottles on the clearance shelf. I took a quick look and the price seemed good and I needed a new one, but then I looked closer and saw the brand name was...


I put that crap back on the shelf pretty quick (and I saw another guy having a chuckle over it) and I guess Justin has not only absolutely killed his brand and name in politics, but also infected other products that use this surname. :LOL: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Shocker. Singh pulls the NDP out of their deal with the Liberals. Everyone is abandoning Trudeau now. NDP possibly calculating they should strike now while the Liberals are weak. Or, the NDP will continue to support the Liberals but just trying to give the appearance of being tough by cancelling the deal.

Great news anyway, it gives the appearance of the Liberals getting weaker.

Now we just need a No-Confidence vote then a Fall election. there is hope we get a chance to vote out the Liberals before the end of next year.

Aren't there a few byelections coming up soon?
Singh will never go against the Liberals in a non-confidence vote, as he wants his full pension and the time is just about up.

What will happen is if an angry Trudeau wants to try and burn the country down (further) and do something zany like importing 5 million terrorists, forcing the elderly from their "over-sized" homes to use as refugee camps or selling off Crown assets to Chinese interests, then Singh will stop him there.

Singh wants to a) look like a good guy compared to his partner in crime (Trudeau is Paul Bernardo and Singh is Karla Homolka), and b) make sure that Trudeau doesn't have a childish tantrum and make petty payback moves that will officially devolve Canada into a 3rd world/developing nation.

But don't expect an early election, or at least not until after Singh gets his pension notification.
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The ultimate twist in this drama would be for Trudeau to call a surprise early election, thereby putting millions of dollars in Singh's pension money at risk and forcing him to win his seat again in order to qualify for a full pension.

Now that would be the ultimate payback, and as the saying goes, there is no honour among thieves.
Too many liberals also in line for a pension so Trudeau can't do that unless he does it purely for selfish reasons.

Like he does anything for any other reason... :rolleyes:

For example, do you really believe he's taken in almost a million unwanted Khalistan dissidents/terrorists from India for free? If so, I have a bridge I want to sell you.

Trudeau should walk around with a sign that reads:

Problem Populations?
Unwanted Ethnic Groups?
We'll Take Them!

Inquire About Our Rate$
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The surge in Biofuel (i.e. burning wood for energy) clearly outlines the sheer insanity of Trudeau's "New Canada", whereby in order to meet their "biofuel goals" and proclaim to the world that Canada is a green nation that despises fossil fuels, he is allowing old and near-old growth forests to be clear cut across Canada in order to produce "wood pellets" for export to foreign countries to burn to produce electricity.

When this first started, wood pellet biofuel was supposed to be made using "waste wood" from other production, like sawmills and construction, but due to global demand and capitalist greed, these companies have quickly switched to clear-cutting forests to fuel their profits. So instead of burning fossil fuels, were are clear-cutting forests to product biofuel that will produce 2-3X the carbon in the air. And that's not even covering the ecological impact of losing our forests.

It's gotten so bad on the East Coast of Canada that people can't find wood to build homes with, thus sawmills and other wood-producing businesses are closing down and are being replaced by wood pellet, biofuel production facilities. And Trudeau is a big fan of us cutting and essentially burning down our all forests so he can proclaim his servitude to the globalist demand for wood pellets.

The controversial biofuel threatening British Columbia’s forests | Food and Environment Reporting Network

The pellet industry makes a number of green boasts, chief among them that pellets are a sustainable by-product of forests already being cut. This claim is based on the fact that pellets can be made from lumber waste, such as sawdust and slash (larger debris left by logging). In the early days of pellet production, lumber waste was indeed the principal raw material, but Conservation North, which keeps tabs on local plants, has found that whole trees increasingly feed the industry.

Pacific BioEnergy marketing materials depict a virtuous loop of carbon-sequestering trees, forestry by-products, and power production. But audits by the Sustainable Biomass Program, a third-party certifier, reveal a different story: that the company’s use of whole logs ballooned from 6 percent of their feedstock in 2019 to nearly 50 percent in 2020.

...pellet companies tend to consider any tree for which they don’t have a use “waste,” even if it’s still in the ground.

Roughly the size and shape of cigarette filters, wood pellets — also referred to as biomass — have long been a niche fuel for wood-burning stoves, furnaces, and boilers. But demand from overseas electricity plants, which can switch from burning coal to burning pellets with relative ease, has driven a dramatic expansion: from less than 2 million tons of production globally at the turn of the millennium to around 60 million in 2018. A $9 billion global industry, according to a 2020 estimate by a U.S. research firm, the pellet market is expected to double again in the next five years.

The pellet industry has faced a global backlash over its claims that burning wood, unlike coal and other fossil fuels, is “carbon neutral” and helps arrest climate change. The pro-pellet logic: if new trees are planted to replace those that are cut, as is required in BC, the emissions will be canceled out as the new trees sequester the carbon released when the pellets were burned. The Paris Climate Agreement supports this rationale, excluding burned wood from a country’s carbon budget as long as the forests are replanted.

Critics, however, say this science is faulty. A forest of saplings may take a century or more to mature into an ecosystem that holds as much carbon as the one it replaced. An open letter from 500-plus scientists and economists sent last year to world leaders warned that burning pellets “is likely to add two to three times as much carbon to the air as using fossil fuels.”
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This Canadian Biofuel mess that Trudeau has created reminds me of a remake of Soylent Green, only instead of the usual tagline it would be:

the Trudeau Liberals have had 10 years to try things their way, I can't imagine there are many Canadians who think Canada has improved in the last 10 years. Unless you are a Liberal connected grifter on all their programs where the money just disappears and can't be accounted for.

Four more years of Trudeau in the North and Harris in the South would do irreparable damage imo.

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