Trudeau gone in.... (6.Viewing)

Lol, that's a new level - blaming politics for picking a variable mortgage. :D

If he had a variable mortgage, his payment would have went down. He more than likely signed up for a new mortgage recently and had to swallow the higher rates (compared to 3-5 years ago).

There are some scary stats out there, such as 85% of the mortgages coming due this year will be beyond the budgets of current homeowners, even with the recent rate drops. We signed a new fixed mortgage in April, which was right before the rate drops, but our mortgage is relatively small and was easy to adapt to. For many, it's going to be untenable.
I literally almost spit out my diet coke with this one:

If he had a variable mortgage, his payment would have went down. He more than likely signed up for a new mortgage recently and had to swallow the higher rates (compared to 3-5 years ago).

There are some scary stats out there, such as 85% of the mortgages coming due this year will be beyond the budgets of current homeowners, even with the recent rate drops. We signed a new fixed mortgage in April, which was right before the rate drops, but our mortgage is relatively small and was easy to adapt to. For many, it's going to be untenable.
Which is why the BOC is cutting rates so aggressively, and may do another 0.5% drop next week after the latest GDP numbers came out. They know what's going on in the economy best than most anyone, the faster they cut it means the more problems out there lurking under the surface.
What a start to the week in Canadian politics and time to resurrect this.

Freeland resigns, plus housing minister resigns.

Media alert yesterday that Trudeau is considering resigning (but didn't).

Although it's been bad for him lately, seems to be getting even worse. Budget deficit came in over $60 billion , was supposed to be $40 billion. How can these buffoons be expected to continue to run the country and deal with the impending Trump administration. It is getting laughable. Even Singh looks like he might actually vote No Confidence, finally.
And Conservatives just won another byelection in Cloverdale BC yesterday...

It is not so much the Conservatives will win, but the vast majority want the Liberals gone. I bet the dollar would bump up on a Liberal election loss and expectations that our economy can get going again without federal interference in resources.
It is not so much the Conservatives will win, but the vast majority want the Liberals gone. I bet the dollar would bump up on a Liberal election loss and expectations that our economy can get going again without federal interference in resources.

My God, the Conservatives win a majority and we finally get some adults in the room (and who don't all have a Fine Arts degree like our Finance Minister), and there will be a huge bump to the economy.

I can just feel it building in the air - people are literally counting the days til Trudeau is gone.
The US dollar will almost certainly strengthen come January, and if tariffs are thrown at any industry, the Canadian peso is in for an (even worse) beating. If I didn't have a partner who is dead set on staying here, I'd close my business, sell everything, and move to the US with an E-2 in a heartbeat.
With immigrants doing this type of crime why are we not vesting them better?

Trudeau admitted that in the majority of cases, there were no background or criminal checks on anyone coming into the country. None of the foreign students or temporary foreign workers have any kind of checks whatsoever. I'm not even sure the government has a firm grasp on what their full names are.

It was the Warm Body and a Pulse Immigration & Migration Plan.

It's quite amusing that this is surprising to people, considering 1.5 million people were flooding into Canada each year - do you really think that the CBSA and the Monties/CSIS could handle that kind of volume per year? They would literally need 100X the employees they have today.

It must be true that only a tiny portion of people understand "big numbers", like the 100,000 years humans have been on Earth compared to 165 million years for the dinosaurs. Stats say that 99% of people don't understand the scope of what that actually means. Same with 1.5 million a year flooding into a country of 37 million - no f-ing idea, no even a clue what that will create or its ramifications. It's all magic to them and somehow, someone will just handle it.
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I still remember the election when the Liberals defeated the Harper Conservatives with a majority, and a lot of the talk from many people then was how they hated Harper and what a bad job he was doing. Fast forward 10 years and I hope those people realize now what a REAL mess looks like. I honestly don't know how Trudeau has gone on so long with scandal after scandal. He should have been out in the election when his blackface history surfaced, and it was heading that way, but he was saved at the last minute by a tweet from Barrack Obama saying how great a guy Trudeau was. Now it's great to see the lunatic Democrat party is out in the US, and Trudeau is next to go.

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