Trudeau gone in.... (7.Viewing)

Seeing in the news this morning that he might actually resign this week. Would be great news.

This is terrible news as this coward is now cheating the Canadian public of booting his ass out of parliament, and the cathartic release that would entail.

Trudeau is a lot of things, but I never thought he was an outright coward, but I guess there is no end to his depravities.

Plus, we now have to listen to all his sycophant Liberal members of parliament (who elected him leader and voted for his insane plans over and over and over) try to blame Trudeau for everything and paint themselves as "we were just following orders" victims.
Hopefully a no confidence vote soon and a Jan or Feb election

March is the earliest that can happen, and the Coward of the County will be long gone (probably to Switzerland) by then.

On the bad side, we were all cheated of kicking his sorry ass out the door, but on the good side, Trudeau now goes down as the biggest coward in Canadian history by not going down with the Liberal ship, and thereby gaining a bit of respect on the way out. Instead, after talking tough about the next election for well over a year, now he's running like a scared chicken.

Trudeau is the Canadian equivalent of Benedict Arnold and the Titanic's J. Bruce Ismay (the managing director of the White Star Line who dressed as a woman to get on a life boat) all rolled into one.
Yes we don’t get to vote him out, but it’s better for Canada everyday he’s out of the job. The corrupt Liberals are getting voted out next election regardless. It will be fun watching them scramble and fluster to avoid it. If their big plan is bringing in Mark Carney what a joke.
He is not gone, he just said he was resigning, he is still in full power until a new leader is elected and then he still has to actually step aside.

Meanwhile he screwed over Canadians again with no government for 3 months and then probably a long race for a new leader. Why the 3 month wait, why not start the leadership race now?

I already called him the most corrupt Canadian Prime minister ever but I will also call him the most inept.
Nobody takes anything Jagmeet says seriously. NDP are irrelevant as far as politics in Canada goes. Best they can do is prop up another party in government.
Canadians don't, but I'd be willing to bet a good chunk of Americans watching that CNN clip think what he's saying is actually going to happen.

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