Tucows - Is Pride Month good advertising? (1.Viewing)

MapleDotsMapleDots is verified member.

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Nov 4, 2020
Waterloo, ON
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I don't understand why companies do this.

A good chunk of the population is against pride month, Veterans only get one day and that has greatly diminished. No wonder Tucows is on a downswing, they are alienating a good portion of their user base.

I would NEVER do this in my business, I make it a point to stay neutral, why would I alienate any part of my client base with political or woke statements.

The number one rule in sales is do not offend your client, it makes no sense to this from a business standpoint, you will probably lose more clients than you gain.
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Yup, saw that too and I can't say it appeals to me. That said it's not my company so they can do what they want. I am mainly saying that I don't understand it, for my businesses I prefer to keep subjects like this off the table. By saying they are inclusive they are actually alienating a portion of their clientele.
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It doesn't really bother me.

I mean a good percentage of the population is racist, sexist, etc. You can't please everyone.

Some people are just looking to be offended by whatever.
If it wasn't this, it would be something else.

You constantly have businesses advertising as minority owned, Christian owned, etc.

I would not really be any more or less likely to give my business to a company because of that either.

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I think a lot of businesses feel pressured to do this. You do it once, you worry about getting cancelled if you don’t do it every year. In 2024, it’s definitely tacky advertising imo.
I think a lot of businesses feel pressured to do this. You do it once, you worry about getting cancelled if you don’t do it every year. In 2024, it’s definitely tacky advertising imo.
I don't think it really moves the needle much.

I can't imagine many people saying, they have a pride flag so I am going to bring my business there.
Or, they have a pride flag so I am never doing business with them again.

It's a domain registrar. A rather niche business.

On the other hand you have a situation like Epik. Many people used them because they shared their worldview.
Well, they were responsible for a massive data breach and defrauded customers. So, that certainly did not work out well.

On the list of reasons I would not do business with a company, this type of thing is so far down the list.
Other factors are far more important like price, features, security, stability, etc.

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Companies can advertise how they want. People can speak with their wallet if they want.

I don't really see the big deal personally. Different strokes for different folks.


I agree, everyone should be able to conduct their business how they want - knowing that each strategic decision they make, like advertising, has consequences one way or another. If you think it works to your benefit to target a specific market, great, go for it! Maybe it will, maybe it won't. But I think there's plenty of business to go around so if you target a particular niche, you can still probably be successful. Businesses pitch themselves all kinds of ways based on religion, race, sex, culture, quality, quantity, etc... They can claim to be "immigrant owned" or "female owned" or "black owned' or "christian owned" or "halal" or "kosher" or "canadian made" or whatever. Ton's of ways to spin it that may or may not work to your benefit.

What is more telling is when a person complains about one of those things, but not the others...
I agree, everyone should be able to conduct their business how they want - knowing that each strategic decision they make, like advertising, has consequences one way or another. If you think it works to your benefit to target a specific market, great, go for it! Maybe it will, maybe it won't. But I think there's plenty of business to go around so if you target a particular niche, you can still probably be successful. Businesses pitch themselves all kinds of ways based on religion, race, sex, culture, quality, quantity, etc... They can claim to be "immigrant owned" or "female owned" or "black owned' or "christian owned" or "halal" or "kosher" or "canadian made" or whatever. Ton's of ways to spin it that may or may not work to your benefit.

What is more telling is when a person complains about one of those things, but not the others...
I really would not care if there was a month celebrating Islam, Christianity, Judaism, native people, heritage, women, men, etc.

Normally these type of things are for minorities or underrepresented communities.

But, I mean if someone feels the need for a straight month or straight pride parade, go for it.

Everyone has different beliefs and views on morality. There are plenty of people out there that don't want your views shoved on them either.

Everyone has different beliefs and views on morality. There are plenty of people out there that don't want your views shoved on them either.

Agreed, no one wants other's views shoved in your face. It's fine in the context of a conversation, but when it's relentless, it can be too much. I like to think if people quietly ignore it, it'll go away quicker than if they fight it. No need to give them more ammo to keep pushing it in our faces. When they stop getting a reaction I think they'll stop. That definitely takes time though.

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