UnFreaknBelievable.com (1 Viewing)

Name Guy

Jan 12, 2021
The most similar domain I was ever going to register was a off take of Marijuana

I was going to register


I liked the ring of it but I never did register it because....
Well I guess I am an adult now and wanna is not a word I use.

I'm an adult now... remember that throw back video by the greasy guy from Pursuit of Happiness?
MapleDots said:
The most similar domain I was ever going to register was a off take of Marijuana

I was going to register


I liked the ring of it but I never did register it because....
Well I guess I am an adult now and wanna is not a word I use.


I'm an adult now... remember that throw back video by the greasy guy from Pursuit of Happiness?
I'll never be an adult...i had TacoJuana.com for a few years but let it go. Then the wife had me doing some vacuuming this am and I was humming a tune to UnFreaknBelievable.com and when I finished, I registered FreaknUnbelievable .com thinking there had to be a song by that name, and after a little research what I was humming was "Simply Irresistible" by Robert Palmer from the UK seen here; https://video.search.yahoo.com/yhs/...466367ff056ffcac45a0c308e4c2ea43&action=click

Now that I own FreaknUnbelievable.com too, I need to find someone to put it to music and maybe I'll have a hit on my hands ;) Either that or I'll buy FreaknUnbelievable.TV, and really try to make something of it.....see, I'll NEVER be an adult...i don't wanna☺
Just for clarification.... the adult part was not directed at you but at me.
MapleDots said:
Just for clarification.... the adult part was not directed at you but at me.
I totally get that. That said however most everything we say is subject to interpretation. I can't tell you how many times a day my wife interprets me the wrong way :-X

FreaknUnbelievable :coolest:

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