WANTED WANTED to buy: The[WORD].ca domains - $x,xxx budget (1 Viewing)

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Nov 11, 2020
Ottawa, ON
Hi guys, and season's greetings from the nation's capital.

I have a buyer request, a great opportunity to make some quick money before the end of the year...

My client is looking for The[WORD].ca domains, and has a substantial $x,xxx per-domain budget. The "WORD" must be short, max 7 characters in length (10 characters max total for the entire domain, not including the .ca part). Examples of the type of domains my buyer is seeking:

TheBase .ca
TheFly .ca
TheMoose .ca
  • preference for one-syllable WORD, singular
  • domain MUST start with "The"

If you own any The[WORD].ca domains, please let me know via email: bill [at] nameninja [dot] com.

Thanks very much. Happy holidays!

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domains said:
lol I never buy ‘the keyword’ type domains in .ca, figures.

They are an acquired taste, for sure! Ho ho ho...
domains said:
lol I never buy ‘the keyword’ type domains in .ca, figures.

Me neither, unless the two words go together naturally.

I generally dislike "The", "My", "Your", etc. prefix domains.
In some instances the "The" can really be effective and even better, for example:


But, yes, one-word domains are still the most valuable of all.
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MaiTaiMan said:
In some instances the "The" can really be effective and even better, for example:


But, yes, one-word domains are still the most valuable of all.

Yep, like I said, the two words need to go together naturally for me to be interested, and I think I own 3 like that.

I sent over one, but it had a religious connotation.
I have a bunch and I've definitely sold a few the{word} domains. The best one was where they were originally interested in the root word first. After they balked at the high 5 figure price, I said they could have the{word}.ca for $7K and they jumped on that and were ultimately just as happy. And in their case "the" made a lot of sense too, possibly even better. So I think in some cases, a "the" could be every bit as valuable as the root word. Obviously pretty rare, but Bill gave some good examples.

Bill - had any luck on your request?
rlm said:
Bill - had any luck on your request?

Sorry for delayed response. I've had a good response from people, seen some great domains (even if some were not suitable for what my client is looking for), and it's great to 'meet' some new .ca domainers via this process. I am very optimistic one or several deals will emerge from this in the near future.
MaiTaiMan said:
Sorry for delayed response. I've had a good response from people, seen some great domains (even if some were not suitable for what my client is looking for), and it's great to 'meet' some new .ca domainers via this process. I am very optimistic one or several deals will emerge from this in the near future.

Glad to hear something may come of it. I was going to suggest just browsing listings at major platforms but holy shite! sedo and afternic's search filters suck a$$! No wonder I never use them. I figured you'd be able to search domains by tld, starts with "the", length<=10, domains with prices only, and bam, you'd have a list of candidates to cherry pick. Dan was the only site I could find that would do that easily. And with GoDaddy - ugh I always find it difficult to find where I can actually search for domains - seems to be several options but only the auctions give you any filters.

So speaking of which, what are the biggest domain sales platforms out there these days? I really don't use them much if ever - and my little experimental search today left me very disappointed.
rlm said:
So speaking of which, what are the biggest domain sales platforms out there these days? 

I think Dan.com is going to become the second biggest after godaddy/afternic
About a month ago I started adding domains to Dan.com.

It is very slick, I like the set up and the selling options it gives (buy now, offer, monthly lease, monthly rent).
You can add some of your own text to the landing page, specific to each domain.

Easy to add domains and price them.

Shows the monthly hits each domain gets, but not the origin of the visitor which I do get on my own webpages and is nice to see.

Will see how it goes, but if I were a domain buyer I'd find the landing pages visually appealing and imo they encourage a potential buyer to engage.

I like the offering of a lease and a rent option, that could be appealing to a smaller start up or company that wants to test the waters with a domain/website that leads to a sale down the road, and if not at least the domain owner gets some monthly income on a domain that would otherwise just be sitting.
DAN.com is very slick platform. Unlike Escrow.com, the DAN.com payment plan system allows buyer to ding their credit card monthly for the payment amount.
MaiTaiMan said:
For searching, Dofo.com is a great meta search tool by the way. Searches across multiple marketplaces.

So I thought I'd give dofo a look. I'm not sure how frequently Dofo gets updates from the various marketplaces - clearly its not real time as I know I added some test domains to Dan a while back that aren't showing up. And the main problem is the same with all the other platforms - a lot of BAD listings which never get purged after domains expire or change hands. So while it seems like a great idea, still more garbage than substance, including the most basic and detectable bad data of all, ones that are available to register yet have a BIN price. I wonder how many people get a domain inquiry or bin sale only to find out the domain is available and have to re-register it? That ever happened to any one?

I guess that's the nice thing about Dan and being a newer marketplace, less garbage has had the chance to collect. And their advanced search form seems to at least work properly with some useful filtering.

BTW [notify]MaiTaiMan[/notify], any luck finding any "the" domains worth acquiring?

And oh, it just dawned on me that I accidentally lied earlier - I forgot that my first "the" domain I ever sold was thesource for obviously alot more than the $7K sale I mentioned earlier.
Happy New Year gang, it's time for a good news update:

First of all, thank you to the members who reached out to me with their domain submissions (or posted here).

Second, this name hunt is now over, and a deal has been reached with a forum member who shall remain nameless, so-to-speak. A win-win for everyone, I think.

Have a great January everyone!
So there's no further confusion here, this domain hunt ended a year ago, client bought and is now using the domain. Thanks again to everyone who reached out, but this project wrapped a year ago!
So there's no further confusion here, this domain hunt ended a year ago, client bought and is now using the domain. Thanks again to everyone who reached out, but this project wrapped a year ago!
so, you're no longer looking for "the" domains lol
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