WARNING - Super realistic WHC scam email (3.Viewing)

Get on the horn with cira and get billing-whc.ca shut down asap
Get on the horn with cira and get billing-whc.ca shut down asap
It's been on ServerHold for a while now. CIRA and Network Solutions were very cooperative and so was at least one of the email hosts.
This kind of crap just infuriates me. But I'm happy to see it was shut down within days.

Far more annoying than emails, the steady stream of scam text messages is a real issue, but one that should be extremely simple to stop at the cell phone provider level. It would take a 12 y/o about 5 minutes to create a filter that would block 99% of it, and yet the CRTC hasn't forced them to do it yet.
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But I'm happy to see it was shut down within days.
* = hours, as far as I can tell. But we don't know when their campaign started.
Google Workspace shut it down before it even began for me.

All the emails hit spam and when I clicked the link (on purpose) google gave me a second warning.

They even made the links unclickable in the warning so I would have has to copy and paste billing-whc.ca to willingly go to the site.

Hopefully that was enough so nobody got caught.
Screenshot (31).png

Received 8 more from the address marked.

Google Workspace is no longer marking it as spam, it is now being marked as dangerous.

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