I like Home.com and X.com personally
me@home.com is crazy for being a Rogers email, how did you get ahold of that?Rogers cable in Canada used to use the @home address and I had an email address me@home.com for years.
I used me@home.com for personal and me@mydomain.com for business.
I was so upset when Rogers switched @home to @rogers, I dumped the address immediately.
They dumped @home at the same time they switched you yahoo.com as their email system.
PS. Welcome aboard@CanadaNames
me@home.com is crazy for being a Rogers email, how did you get ahold of that?
I built a small .ca portfolio and when I saw CanadaNames.ca on the TBR list yesterday, for $10 I thought it would be a pretty solid name to operate under. Looks like you had it for a bit previously.
I made a typo in my above post. It should have read .cm.God.com - It use/could still be owned by Kevin Ham l(Canadian and one of the .co creators).