OK, this isn't the largest .ca offer I've turned down, but here's a domain sale story that ties in with this topic and another current topic and new member, [notify]McDuke[/notify] .
So this is one of those where I didn't set a price and I had to turn down offer after offer, starting at like a couple thousand, but eventually I said yes. This was my one and only cannabis related domain story, the memories of which were triggered because I just finished watching the movie, The Old Guard. In it there's a scene where they're in the medina of Marrakech, Morocco (their 1000 year old market), negotiating a deal. It will make more sense at the end.
So here's the story. I had been turning down offers on the domain Edibles, which were slowly escalating over several months from a single bidder. This wasn't a cannabis related company either. I knew who it was despite his attempt to communicate through his girlfriend's account. Unfortunately for him, I guess he didn't realize his affairs were so public. Thank you Google. Anyway, so I thought I should really do some research in this cannabis industry before I seriously consider selling it, so I went to the 2018 Lift cannabis conference in Vancouver. Pretty big conference. I talked to _every_ company there about Edibles.ca. I even made business cards with the domain on it. Not a single person thought it was worth more than a few thousand dollars. Can you believe that? I ended up selling it just 2 months later for low $6-fig to this non-cannabis company. I had picked it up in TBR for under $500 less than two years prior too. So as much as I was in love with the domain, I just had to remind myself that 6-fig offers are fairly rare in .CA, so just take the profit and move on. Some will think it was potentially worth way more and I would agree. And if I had any experience or desire to really be in that industry, I would've kept it. But in the end, I was happy with the sale because I've reinvested it in what I know. But I'll always remember that sale because we were on a family vacation and I closed the deal sitting in a beautiful riad, right in the middle of that market in Marrakech. It ended up being a more memorable trip than I had anticipated!
BTW, [notify]domains[/notify], the last offer that I turned down was the then equivalent to $99,000 CAD.