What is the biggest .ca offer you ever turned down? (1.Viewing)

Of course every big sale required a lot of turned down offers to get to the final sale price, so those are too many to even count or think about.

A better clarification would be, what was the biggest offer you turned down that didn't end up in a sale, and, did you regret it? I'll have to put some thought into that one.

I had an 8500 CAD offer a couple weeks ago that I kinda regret. The buyer was so pissed off he changed his mind, called me a few choice words and something about karma. I wasn't going to entertain that kind of behavior any further. But I could have just accepted the 8500 and been OK with the sale. But I still have a great domain, he still has his $8500.
OK, this isn't the largest .ca offer I've turned down, but here's a domain sale story that ties in with this topic and another current topic and new member, [notify]McDuke[/notify] .

So this is one of those where I didn't set a price and I had to turn down offer after offer, starting at like a couple thousand, but eventually I said yes. This was my one and only cannabis related domain story, the memories of which were triggered because I just finished watching the movie, The Old Guard. In it there's a scene where they're in the medina of Marrakech, Morocco (their 1000 year old market), negotiating a deal. It will make more sense at the end.

So here's the story. I had been turning down offers on the domain Edibles, which were slowly escalating over several months from a single bidder. This wasn't a cannabis related company either. I knew who it was despite his attempt to communicate through his girlfriend's account. Unfortunately for him, I guess he didn't realize his affairs were so public. Thank you Google. Anyway, so I thought I should really do some research in this cannabis industry before I seriously consider selling it, so I went to the 2018 Lift cannabis conference in Vancouver. Pretty big conference. I talked to _every_ company there about Edibles.ca. I even made business cards with the domain on it. Not a single person thought it was worth more than a few thousand dollars. Can you believe that? I ended up selling it just 2 months later for low $6-fig to this non-cannabis company. I had picked it up in TBR for under $500 less than two years prior too. So as much as I was in love with the domain, I just had to remind myself that 6-fig offers are fairly rare in .CA, so just take the profit and move on. Some will think it was potentially worth way more and I would agree. And if I had any experience or desire to really be in that industry, I would've kept it. But in the end, I was happy with the sale because I've reinvested it in what I know. But I'll always remember that sale because we were on a family vacation and I closed the deal sitting in a beautiful riad, right in the middle of that market in Marrakech. It ended up being a more memorable trip than I had anticipated!

BTW, [notify]domains[/notify], the last offer that I turned down was the then equivalent to $99,000 CAD.
Great story! Also a great domain, if I was watching you wouldnt have gotten it for 500$ :)

I also have talked to many of the companies in the sector about domains and they are clueless on their potential.

This also reinforces my thoughts on a project I'm building out that edibles,ca wont be able to compete with.

What a cool industry! It offers creatives an avenue with limitless potential.

domains said:
cannabis market may be coming back, similar to .com crash situation. US has more states opening up, more growth to happen. Companies and products that need naming.

It will comeback to some extent, an online presence "not just a company website" will be the deciding factor for a company's success. Those who purchased edibles,ca know this.

I purposely waited to build out fun projects for the sector, one is in the edibles space. I have probably the 2nd best .com for the consumer edibles market and all the exact match social handles for it. Exciting times! :)
Now I’m trying to guess what it is. Bite or Bites?

funny that edibles.ca isn’t a canna edibles site, but they could add that at some point for growth. Edibles are still a smaller part of that market but lots of products coming I’m sure. even cbd edibles.
domains said:
Now I’m trying to guess what it is. Bite or Bites?

funny that edibles.ca isn’t a canna edibles site, but they could add that at some point for growth. Edibles are still a smaller part of that market but lots of products coming I’m sure. even cbd edibles.

Oh yeah, i know who bought the name they are out of Georgia. They have been trying to go after everyone with a edibles domain. They are moving into the space and are even trying to sue the guys who own edibles,com "also because the edibles,com guys have a pending patent for a delivery app". I know domainers who have sold other domains to them for decent amounts.

Regarding my domain what is the first thing consumers do before purchasing something and what do consumers trust more than advertisements? It's a 2 worder I purchased for a decent amount in the aftermarket years ago. send me a pm so we don't hijack this thread.
McDuke said:
Oh yeah, i know who bought the name they are out of Georgia. They have been trying to go after everyone with a edibles domain. They are moving into the space and are even trying to sue the guys who own edibles,com "also because the edibles,com guys have a pending patent for a delivery app". I know domainers who have sold other domains to them for decent amounts.

Regarding my domain what is the first thing consumers do before purchasing something and what do consumers trust more than advertisements? It's a 2 worder I purchased for a decent amount in the aftermarket years ago. send me a pm so we don't hijack this thread.

Yes, and if you look at the trademarks they are filing, 99% of the goods and services are their usual stuff, but then the slip in one little item of cannabis related products. They're trying to trademark the term "edibles" related to cannabis use, taking a term that has been commonly used and trademark it so they can control/bully anyone else who uses it. They are sneaky bastards and god forbid if any of their bs tm attempts are approved.

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