What is the biggest .com offer you ever turned down? (1 Viewing)


Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Toronto, ON
Post your .ca turn downs here:

Let me begin...

The biggest .com I ever turned down was 561k where a broker basically offered me estibot value.

I am going to kill Rick Schwartz if this one does not close eventually because he keeps saying the sign of a good domainer is the one that has the patience to say no.
Rick just made an interesting tweet today, he has two 7 figure negotiations and one eight figure negotiation going on now. says the discussion level has never been better with inquirers, which I take to mean he is saying more buyers understand the value of domains than ever.
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MapleDots said:
Post your .ca turn downs here:

Let me begin...

The biggest .com I ever turned down was 561k where a broker basically offered me estibot value.

I am going to kill Rick Schwartz if this one does not close eventually because he keeps saying the sign of a good domainer is the one that has the patience to say no.

LOL. This is _always_ a game of chicken. You will win some, you will lose some. That is just the way it goes. As long as you think the domain still has potential value to another buyer, then it's a lot easier to play the game. If they're the only buyer in town, then you've gotta just weigh the consequences of losing it.
Since then I have been negotiating directly with the company and the offer has gone up substantially but I want 2.5 million for the domain. The negotiations on this one are in USD because it is a .com
MapleDots said:
Since then I have been negotiating directly with the company and the offer has gone up substantially but I want 2.5 million for the domain. The negotiations on this one are in USD because it is a .com
I'm dying to know the name! And the acquisition price. I second that I hope you get your asking price and can eventually share the details. :)

Highest I ever turned down was 6k. Clearly I need to get myself some more high value names!

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