What's your oldest domain? (1.Viewing)

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Nov 7, 2020
Vernon, BC
I just stumbled onto the fact that my oldest domain (a .org) is turning 30 y/o in a few of months, registered on 1993-05-25.

My oldest .com is 1995-03-06

My oldest .ca (spider) has a timestamp of 2000-09-22 19:56:53. That's pretty old for a .ca, probably in the oldest 1000 existing .ca's or so, but that leaves many in existence that are older. Anyone got one?
NanaimoBC.com…1996 is my oldest I believe
Some 1997 and many 2000-2002
April 22nd, 1987. My company website.
(I am not the original registrant).

Wow, that's old!

List of the oldest currently registered Internet domain names - Wikipedia

This has you listed as the 68th oldest .com in existence! Very cool.

In 1987 I was a freshman at Purdue, and would have had a mainframe Unix account for doing homework on, but don't believe I was aware of even what a domain name was yet. Purdue.edu was the 4th oldest .EDU domain registered (in 1985), so they were a very early adopter, but I don't remember there ever being access to internet while I was there, only the local university network, and I don't think we accessed any domains or IP addresses, just a default login to the engineering mainframe on a dumb terminal from one of the giant computer labs available.

Makes me wonder when did I really start thinking about domain names. I know I hand reg'd my first in 1998, but had did some personal website stuff in the years prior, but hosted my dial-up at something like flashnet.net/~user sometime around 1995-ish. I wonder why I didn't consider regging a domain then, or if I even realized I could. I can only imagine the domains I might have regged if I would have figured this out back in 1995.
Makes me wonder when did I really start thinking about domain names. I know I hand reg'd my first in 1998, but had did some personal website stuff in the years prior, but hosted my dial-up at something like flashnet.net/~user sometime around 1995-ish. I wonder why I didn't consider regging a domain then, or if I even realized I could. I can only imagine the domains I might have regged if I would have figured this out back in 1995.
I think we all have those daydream moments once in a while about domains we could have regged, stocks we could have bought, or bitcoin we could have mined. I know I do!

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