Whc.ca is down (1.Viewing)

Nov 28, 2020
Toronto, ON
Uh oh…

Yeah, I was using wordpress for one of my business sites and man it was update update update or be hacked.

I was hacked even after I updated but that was the fault of the server.

So I did something very unconventional, I switched to a free blogger website and I stripped everything blogger and removed all branding and comments.

That site has been running for almost 20 years and other than some cosmetic work I have never updated it, never been hacked, since it's google it has never been down and I have never paid one red cent to run my business site on it.

Blogger for me has been bulletproof and zero cost. About 6 years back my brother complained that his Wordpress site stopped functioning and he had paid some company to put it up so it was a bit customized. We switched him to standard wordpress and he promptly got hacked. After that I gave him my template, switched it to his company yellow and he has been up ever since at zero cost and no downtime.

Blogger is kind of obscure now so there is no money in hacking it, with wordpress you better be on the ball or you will be hacked.

That was just my experience.

PS. MapleDots also ran on a blank blogger template for 10 years, people had no idea I was using blogger because if you know how you can use the blogger backbone with straight html and no templates, meaning you can populate it as you like. You have to be comfortable with html to do that though and I can write that free hand so its no issue for me.
Issue I had with Wordpress was that being extremely tech challenged, upgrading a site that had any custom code was nothing but grief when updating the Wordpess version/ security updates

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