WHC Control Panel Feature Request (1 Viewing)


Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Toronto, ON

I'm starting this topic as a wish list of things I or other members would like to see on a wish list of features for the new WHC control panel.

I'll go first.....

I would love if they added FORWARDER to the columnview beside the domains.

I'm still finding domains forwarded to the wrong place and unless I click on each domain separately I cannot see where it forwards to.

It would be incredible if I could add that to the column view.
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The nameserver field has been added, it's still a work in progress but I actually saw the nameservers once (y)

As per the topic, to get that for the forwards would be the cats meow.

Screenshot (46).png

The picture above shows the servers but it takes forever to load at the moment.
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The nameserver part has been hit and miss at WHC and causing time outs in the control panel.

I am happy to report that as of today the name server display is working properly for me.

Screenshot (8).png
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The fix went live in the last 24 hours, good catch @MapleDots and thank you for posting :)
If we could get the domain forwarding to show it would be the cats meow.
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If we could get the domain forwarding to show it would be the cats meow.
That one may still take a bit, but it's on the list still.
That one may still take a bit, but it's on the list still.

Just wondering if there is an easier way to find out a forwarding domain.

Maybe generating a list of what domains are forwarding to.
Is there a way I can generate that?

Clicking through hundreds of domains to see if I got them all correctly forwarded is not really a viable option.
Just wondering if there is an easier way to find out a forwarding domain.

Maybe generating a list of what domains are forwarding to.
Is there a way I can generate that?

Clicking through hundreds of domains to see if I got them all correctly forwarded is not really a viable option.
I don't have any easier way - we could request an export for you for now if needed. But that being said improving the client area remains a big priority in the coming year, so I will see where we can fit this in best.

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