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Extending TBR auctions at WHC

As others have already done so, we would also like to extend our auctions at WHC. Our current thinking is to go for 7 days and end them at 4 pm EDT on a Wednesday (plus the usual extension for last-minute bids).

Please let me know if you got any feedback.
Honestly, I don't see how this really changes anything in a positive manner for registrars - TBR buyers are a very small group and all the real bidding action takes place at the end anyway. You also run the risk of people forgetting about these "old auctions" or at the very least, a "cooling off" of the ardor of a now-stale domain as next week's shiny TBR domains start to take precedence.

It's the 'Rule of Shiny Things', there's always a new set coming down the pike.

I have missed bidding on several BM auctions because after waiting a week, and being busy on the current weeks TBR, I literally and totally forgot about them - same with CD. I've also seen hot domains with heavy competition on a Wednesday cool off considerably a week later when a couple of top premiums have hit the new TBR list.

A day later and I'm still fired and up and ready to go win some TBR auctions, but 7 days later.. who knows?

You guys do what you want, but I'd strike while the iron's still hot and while everyone is fixated on winning the domains that just dropped 24 hours ago.

P.S. 4PM is an absolutely horrible time to end, as a lot of workers clock off then (especially at the government), and would be either leaving work or driving/traveling home during the 4PM to 4:30PM action period. The best time to start the "real bidding period" is either 12:30PM or 1PM, as office workers can schedule a lunch during that period.

Where is this crazy stuff coming from, other TBR buyers (cough RLM/Maple cough) who want to eliminate as many bidders as possible? :p:D :ROFLMAO:
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Agree with DomainRecap @DomainRecap. Extending an auction process to 7 days doesn’t work well for anyone IMO. If anything, there is a potential of auctions being sold for less so it could be a win for the TBR buyer.

I have also wondered why auctions ends at 1:00 (MYID) and 2:00. I think this is one of worst possible times. I remember when I was younger, I missed sooooo many auctions because I was at work and didn’t have a smart phone then. Most people have smart phones now but possibly not able to access their phone during normal business hours.

Years ago, I use to sell on eBay and quickly found out that evening auctions was far better than auctions ending early afternoon.
I have also wondered why auctions ends at 1:00 (MYID) and 2:00. I think this is one of worst possible times. I remember when I was younger, I missed sooooo many auctions because I was at work and didn’t have a smart phone then. Most people have smart phones now but possibly not able to access their phone during normal business hours.

12PM to 1:30 auction end times (i.e. real start times) are about as good as you're going to get, as they need to take part during business hours to provide adequate TBR auction support and billing, but at least in the early-afternoon I can schedule my lunch around them.

Ending at 4PM is death as a large portion of workers clock off at 4 and would be heading home during the real auction period between 4PM and 4:40PM.
Ending at 4PM is death as a larger portion of workers clock off at 4 and would be heading home during the real auction period between 4PM and 4:40PM.
I was thinking more of an evening time. But realizing that there is a 4 1/2 hour difference between east and west coast, would make that more a challenge. But either way I’m certain that a lot of people miss auction endings because of the end time. More people are home in the evenings.
More people are home in the evenings.

And I would imagine FrankM would like to be at home in the evening too. :D

Someone is always going to be busy during the day, but you really need to cater to the Ontario + Quebec markets as they make up a significant portion of our population (I think it's around 23 million of the 37 million) so pulling a 4PM end time out of a hate is pretty zany.
My two cents

It's not how long an auction goes, it's about receiving proper notification.

I would focus on text notifications as the auctions start and as they get near the end and also if you are outbid.

I know which domains I want and as I am participating in more TBR auctions I tend to lose track of the ones that run longer so I'm with DomainRecap @DomainRecap on that one.

Does it bother me that you are extending it? No, but there is a greater risk of me getting busy and forgetting the longer it drags on so the notifications become more important.
I know which domains I want and as I am participating in more TBR auctions I tend to lose track of the ones that run longer so I'm with DomainRecap @DomainRecap on that one.

I am always missing auctions at Baremetal because they end a week after the actual TBR run - Chen was a great example; I have an in-law with that first name and he asked me to let him know the price near the end, but with all the crap I have going on I literally forgot.

OTOH, I'm right there in the midst of the WHC and MyID auctions on Thursday (and now Friday) because I don't start my deep diving until Monday, and I can guarantee both companies would lose some $$$ without me there in second place, vainly trying to outbid the whales.

For me, once the new TBR list is finished on Monday, that's ALL I'm concentrating on in terms of domains. I have no time for anything else, and to tell the truth, a lot of "shiny domains" don't look so shiny a week later.

The TBR auction list at (.CA Domain Auctions | Web Hosting Canada) seems to be locked up and displays zero results with some cool "frozen action" elsewhere. Tried it on 3 browsers before posting.

I'm not sure if this is related to the recent changes to the TBR, but on the 2.0 system, I can no longer load Domains when I click on the link on the left sidebar. And I have refreshed and closed browsers and rebooted many times.

The filter shows up as "?limit=NaN" and the 0 results displays "Showing NaN to NaN of XXX entries (filtered from XXX total entries)

In order to view them I need to go to the Dashboard, then hit "Renew Now" and disable the "expiring" filter. Then all domains show up (?limit=All filter), unfortunately with expired and deleted records too.

But at least it's better than getting zero with NaN. Good old NaN. :LOL:
I'm not sure if this is related to the recent changes to the TBR, but on the 2.0 system, I can no longer load Domains when I click on the link on the left sidebar. And I have refreshed and closed browsers and rebooted many times.

The filter shows up as "?limit=NaN" and the 0 results displays "Showing NaN to NaN of XXX entries (filtered from XXX total entries)

In order to view them I need to go to the Dashboard, then hit "Renew Now" and disable the "expiring" filter. Then all domains show up (?limit=All filter), unfortunately with expired and deleted records too.

But at least it's better than getting zero with NaN. Good old NaN. :LOL:
Hi, thank you for reporting this - I wasn't able to reproduce this directly, but we're looking into this.

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