Who is the best marketplace these days? (4.Viewing)

Nov 11, 2020
Newmarket, ON
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Who is the best marketplace these days?

Is it atom.com or domaineasy.com or someone else?
I have been using Afternic landing pages since Dan died.
domaineasy gave me a bunch of spam offers when i used that for a while.

Who is the one to use?
I moved a bunch of domains to Dynadot so I could have them in Sedo and Go Daddy networks.

No matter where I pout them sales are low unless I do outbound marketing so who has the best system for payments and reasonable fees?
Atom using standard listings at 7.5% commission.

I recently moved from Afternic (I had to, the system is dead slow and unworkable) and after narrowing it down to Atom, DomainEasy and Saw, I picked Atom.

You have to get away from Afternic, as I was there 2 months and it literally killed my sales compared to Dan. And I had desperate buyers contact me through WHOIS and even Dan messaging (which still works) telling me the Afternic brokers were just sending them canned responses over and over, but not engaging them in any way.

Here's one cut straight from Dan's messaging service:


It's bad news and you need to get out.

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I had desperate buyers contact me through WHOIS and even Dan messaging (which still works) telling me the Afternic brokers were just sending them canned responses over and over, but not engaging them in any way.
Do you remember if the inquiry increased the count in the leads category?

Do you remember if the inquiry increased the count in the leads category?


I think I misunderstood the question and I thought you were asking whether the Dan message increased my number of leads at Dan.

The buyer in this case had an open negotiation at Afternic, but after over a week or more of getting nowhere, he used the Dan message center to send me a question as to why I wasn't responding (yes, buyers blame us for the ineptitude of Afternic brokers) and I then told him how Afternic works and how long a transaction can take.

I hope that makes sense.
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The buyer in this case had an open negotiation at Afternic, but after over a week or more of getting nowhere, he used the Dan message center to send me a question as to why I wasn't responding (yes, buyers blame us for the ineptitude of Afternic brokers) and I then told him how Afternic works and how long a transaction can take.
Makes perfect sense. Thank you for clarifying.
I also noticed i never got any emails of leads i had by email or in the panel, but then found leads in the panel under closed. Which is a few clicks to even find @ https://www.afternic.com/sales/leads?folder=CLOSED I will most likely be doing my own listings as well now. Why wouldn't they just use DAN's infrastructure for afternic it's clearly better. I honestly didn't mind giving commission to Dan because it seemed like they got the deals done. Also i noticed domains i had offered payment plans on, the buy it now option is only listed on a lot as well.
when you used afternic, did have a BIN or go with request price?
when you used afternic, did have a BIN or go with request price?
It's what was transferred over from dan, i did try to edit some but its still showing just the BIN and offer but missing the lease option.
It's what was transferred over from dan, i did try to edit some but its still showing just the BIN and offer but missing the lease option.
Yea, if they are .ca. I had listed BIN with lease but now just shows BIN. Guess they not interested in leasing .ca names
Yea, if they are .ca. I had listed BIN with lease but now just shows BIN. Guess they not interested in leasing .ca names

It seems that all they want is to take the easy sale, no interaction, no effort required, cash now, collect that commission, rinse and repeat. So only BINS work with that strategy, it doesn't appear they're going to give a rats ass about anything else. There may be no response from afternic on negotiations, but I betcha if a buyer clicks on Buy Now they're quick to collect the money.
In all fairness, a few weeks ago I did get an offer through afternic and a broker did contact me. Of course I don't know how cold the lead was by the time they contacted me though.

Here's how it went down:

I started out by scoffing at the 30% "boost" commission from an old listing that afternic pulled from Dan and so I said that's not what I agreed to with Dan. I offerred to honour the old Dan price (which was a few years old by this point and I had been quoting a higher price), but also at a 15% commission that I agreed to pay at Dan. But I also said that I'm a registered Canadian business and that I would eat the taxes, i.e. back calculate the tax so I could remit it to CRA, but that I needed to know the buyer's contact info AFTER the conclusion of the sale so that I could remit the proper tax due based on the buyer's real billing address. I said this was non-negotiable and a legal requirement for me - so he cancelled the inquiry/transaction. According to the transaction logs it says he called the buyer a minute after cancelling the transaction, then called the buyer again an hour later and then followed up with an email. I haven't heard anything since. What he said to the buyer, obviously I don't know.

So I don't know if the deal breaker was either:

1. the buyer was not willing to increase their initial offer at all, not even willing to counter.
2. the policy of refusing to reveal the buyer's info even AFTER the sale was completed, for my tax purposes.
3. my asking for the reduced commission (which would have still been close to $4000 rather than $8000).

Had the buyer contacted me directly (i.e through the contact form on the domain's landing page), we'd have surely made a sale because my net asking price was very very close to the buyer's gross offer price. No broker involved and this would have been a sale.
It seems that all they want is to take the easy sale, no interaction, no effort required, cash now, collect that commission, rinse and repeat. So only BINS work with that strategy,

Exactly, and that "BIN-only strategy" essentially states that the Afternic broker-based system does not work.

And if you're going BIN-only and basically doing their job for them, why would you list at Afternic and pay 15-20% commission when much cheaper alternatives exist. The only reason to pay a high commission is for brokers to handle your transaction, but they don't.
What a cluster-fuck at Godaddy, whoever is in charge of this strategy needs to be fired.

And not only is Afternic a total mess, but once GD closed down Dan there was an absolutely flood of a) new and b) updated competitors taking away market share. No one is afraid of Afternic (LOL) but Dan was viewed as a serious player and GD just buried them.

We all know why they did it, as execs were getting bonuses meeting their target for "closing down Dan before year-end" but it was one of the most short-sighted decisions I've ever seen. And the quarterly figures agree, as even with the influx of Dan customers and the 5% Boost, Afternic revenues fell in Q4, which would is a near-impossible feat.

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