Who is using Light vs Dark Skin? (1.Viewing)

Are you using Light or Dark View as your primary skin.

  • 1. Light View

  • 2. Dark View

  • 3. I toggle between both

  • 4. Have not decided yet

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MapleDotsMapleDots is verified member.

Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Waterloo, ON
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Screenshot (50).png

We've been tweaking the Dark skin for a while and have updated the FINAL toggle switch.

The previous toggle would take you to a different screen when switching views and we have now tweaked it so you can change on the fly without losing your place on the screen. It even stays focused of the bottom of the screen when toggling back and forth. This was a bit of custom code but well worth the effort.

That said, we would like to gauge what members are using for their primary skin.
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I use the light colour scheme. The dark version hurts my eyes....

We will probably be expanding to one more theme

Morning = Light (current)
Dusk = Med Dark
Night = Dark (current)

So the DUSK will sit between the Light and Dark we have now, basically giving you an in between setting.

I have a few projects before I tackle this one but hopefully it won't be too long.
I don’t use dark skin for anything I use. I dunno why but I just prefer light skin. I hope this doesn’t come across as racist! 🤣

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