Why is it so dead around here? (1 Viewing)

Everyone's busy with the long weekend.

I spent hours today trying to figure out why there was thepiratebay.org in the dns cache on my pc. Turns out it was the Facebook Container plugin from Firefox injecting the url into all programs like Nvidia Graphics, Apple Mobile Update, Zoom, and others..
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Just got back from holidays and getting the kids ready for school.

Barely had time to check in
Still asleep from NamesCon and catching up with things.
Long weekend! hope Sept sees the start of more domain activity. though it seems the big domain sales keep rolling on by checking the headlines at Domaining.com
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Anyone owning fiona.ca here experienced sudden surge in inquiries? Hoping the east coast is doing ok.

Anyone investing in alternative protein domain trends?:)


Parody account but some Can Gov department did tweet a warning about illegally harvesting lobsters.

I"m so behind the times. This haven't been part of my purchases but cricket flour is already here and in numerous product for some years already.
Forgive me if your salivary glands are being overstimulated by this post:)


and as usual I am late for this trend:

Does anyone own a domain that can cause harsh treatment from Paypal?:)

Paypal continuing to behave questionably and carrying out corporate censorship.
Seems they might be pulling back from fining their customers for misinformation
Everything becomes political and divisive

PayPal Pulls Back, Says It Won’t Fine Customers $2,500 for ‘Misinformation’ after Backlash | National Review

Other wonderful Paypal news:
PayPal permanently bans journalist Ian Miles Cheong’s account
Paypal, Venmo ALLOW pedophile-support group on platform despite banning anti-groomer charity
I just removed all funds from paypal, will keep it in case its needed but will never keep funds there again

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