sometimes I can be nice, sometimes a jerk... (1 Viewing)

  • Topic Starter rlm
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Nov 7, 2020
Vernon, BC
Being nice:

A young guy really wanted a domain but couldn't afford it. I let him lease it for $25/mo until he can afford to buy it. He was pretty happy with that.

Being a jerk:

A guy asks for a price on a domain.

I reply:

Thanks for your inquiry, [yadda yadda yadda]. The price is 5000 CAD + taxes.

He replies:

I'll give you $200

I reply:

Sounds great! Send me $200.

Best Regards,

PS. Then send another 24 payments of $200 and the domain will be yours!

I thought about skipping the PS completely and just letting him GIVE me $200... That might have been taking the joke too far, but I sure wanted to.
Some people deserve jerk responses. Just like some deserve the opposite. Seems some people think that you owe them something.

I recently had an inquiry on a 4 letter .ca I own with them stating that they are a not for profit organization and basically said I should give them the name. That’s when my “screw you” senses came into play. I sent them back a price which I “paid” for it and said they can have it at cost. :lol: I had to stay reasonable so it’s a very low 4 figures. Apparently they will be buying it next month so we will see. :)
rlm said:
I'll give you $200

I reply:

Sounds great! Send me $200.

Best Regards,

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :lol:
Nafti said:
I recently had an inquiry on a 4 letter .ca I own with them stating that they are a not for profit organization and basically said I should give them the name.

Haha yeah, non-profits often have salaried employees running the organization, and they're usually the ones inquiring. I once said "you get paid to work there, right? So how is it OK that _you_ get paid but I shouldn't ???" That shut them up...
rlm said:
PS. Then send another 24 payments of $200 and the domain will be yours!

That’s really very funny!

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