Welcome, EdenHill (1 Viewing)


Nov 4, 2020
Toronto, ON
Welcome to Domain Names Canada, @EdenHill.
Welcome @EdenHill

I noticed you posted inquiring about edenhill.ca currently running on TBR.

I'm not sure that is a wise decision because it may start a bidding war driving the price up higher than what it should have been.

Were you the previous owner of this domain?
Did you forget to renew it?
Thanx guys, I already have a broker on it for me but if he fails and anyone else gets it please contact me.
Thanx guys, I already have a broker on it for me but if he fails and anyone else gets it please contact me.
I think what people are trying to subtly hint at is that you've virtually ensured that the price will now be much higher because you alerted a bunch of domainers that its valuable to you, and now those people will all be bidding against your broker guy hoping to flip it to you for a quick profit. So you might have just driven the price of a $20 domain name up to god knows what.

Lets just hope the domainers here are kind enough to have mercy on you and your blunder and will not bid it up pointlessly. Anything they try to gain from it will essentially be a hostage situation on their part now. And if they ask too much they may be left holding the bag when you tell them to take a long walk off a short pier.

On the other side, the registrars who are fighting for it have nothing to lose and everything to gain. They'll want to see it get bid up because its nearly pure profit for them... Some here have suspected that certain insiders are purposely bidding things up for the benefit of those registrars...

It will be interesting to see how this plays out. I'm hopeful people will just stay away and let you get it cheap. I know I will.

Best of luck.
Thanx guys, I already have a broker on it for me but if he fails and anyone else gets it please contact me.

Screenshot - 2022-12-14T213247.038.png

So it appears to be for sale at my favorite asking price.

5k is my sweet spot for general type of domain names.
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So I wonder who the d-bag is....

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