Are you giving up 20% to Sedo? (1 Viewing)

Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Waterloo, ON
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Is it just me or does anyone else shudder at the thought of giving up that much profit on a domain?

I know it's 20% and other market places are charging up to 25% but once you pay taxes on that the percentage given up on a domain is insane, especially since the commission is based on the pre taxed amount.

I have my own landers for all my domains so a perspective client could easily contact me directly. If I was purchasing a domain I would think about the commission aspect and understand I could negotiate better directly without having a middle man taking 20-25%
In reality I think there should definitely be a ceiling to commissions, lets say 10k for instance.

Imagine having a domain name that is worth in the millions, what would entitle a marketplace to earn such a humongous commission? 200k per million would be insane and there would have to be a limit, only someone very foolish would give up that much.
Offer came through the partner network? 20% is high if the offer came from site.

Only SH seems to have the commission rate based on the selling price now. Everyone else is fixed commission rates. These are for the premium listings. Standard is still 7.5%.
  • Below $2499: 30% (Submission with Coins), 35% (Submission without Coins)
  • $2500 to $4999: 30%
  • $5000 to $50K: 25%
  • $50K to $75K: 20%
  • Above $75K: 15%
Variable Commission Model - Premium Domains | Squadhelp Help Center

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