has been sold (3.Viewing)

So it looks like another candy domain just sold. sells for $7,200 USD


Anyone care to guess who owns ?
rlm said:
interesting - seems like a pretty cheap price for the .com

Agree. Although the biggest issue for selling candy floss online in Canada is the ridiculous shipping rates here. (ex. bags of candy floss).
aactive said:
Agree. Although the biggest issue for selling candy floss online in Canada is the ridiculous shipping rates here. (ex. bags of candy floss).

Yeah, that's a bit reason of why I've never been too motivated to try selling & shipping product.
rlm said:
Yeah, that's a bit reason of why I've never been too motivated to try selling & shipping product.

I am an expert in shipping products, my company ships hundreds of boxes per month and we use the Canada Post Small Business Solutions Account. I use no other way of shipping and if anyone cares to inquire I will tell them why.

I do everything online, in batches, and am at the highest tier savings level.

When I calculate my mean shipping rate it comes out to about $12.80 per package and I charge $9.95 anywhere in Canada for any size of shipment.
MapleDots said:
I am an expert in shipping products, my company ships hundreds of boxes per month and we use the Canada Post Small Business Solutions Account. I use no other way of shipping and if anyone cares to inquire I will tell them why.

I do everything online, in batches, and am at the highest tier savings level.

When I calculate my mean shipping rate it comes out to about $12.80 per package and I charge $9.95 anywhere in Canada for any size of the shipment.

We also ship hundreds of boxes a month. You should move up to the Canada Post Commercial Account as it will save you a few more % (5-10). I was on the Canada Post Small Business Solutions Account Tier 4 for a couple of years. As with any mailing system, the size and weight of the parcel being shipped are important factors in the cost. Shipping here in Ontario/Quebec is reasonably cheap, but it climbs pretty good, going to Alberta/BC.
aactive said:
You should move up to the Canada Post Commercial Account

They just moved me from the commercial account and when I asked them why they simply said small businesses can no longer have the commercial account. I was doing far in excess of what they set as a target for commercial.

I finally got a supervisor and she said they are overhauling the system and commercial is meant for big commercial businesses with multiple locations. I was on their commercial program for over 10 years and just got dumped. They said they were doing it in stages and other businesses will be notified. I kept arguing that I was moving twice the number of parcels it took to be commercial and then she mentioned dollar figure. We checked that and again I was many times higher. I took it to supervisor after supervisor with no luck.

The last guy said EST online is being discontinued and they are redefining who has to use snap ship and who gets to use commercial.

In the end I gave up, yes some packages cost $18, some $9 but my mean is $12.80 so I am ok with that.
MapleDots said:
I kept arguing that I was moving twice the number of parcels it took to be commercial and then she mentioned dollar fi

Canada Post will just do enough eventually to actually lose customers to the alternatives. We are shipping about 2.75 times the minimum for our commercial account and growing; hopefully, keep it for a while longer. Only a matter of time before Amazon enters the space. :)
aactive said:
Only a matter of time before Amazon enters the space.

That may be but they don't have with an absolutely gorgeous storefront.

Amazon has been in my space for years yet my sales go up every year. People like shopping with us because we have live people on the line or on email to answer questions and that has built our reputation and kept our sales strong.

So you have not received the infamous letter from Canada Post yet?
My brother has an online store I built for him and he got the letter too downgrading his commercial account.

Part of that downgrade is that they are also eliminating the charge account and you have to use a personal credit card to pay for each package. I called them and asked if they were insane, I said you cannot bill my credit card 100 times per day, it is bound to screw up sooner or later.

Their solution was to add a backup credit card on my account and I called them and asked them if they were running a temperature. Eventually after a month they activated a batch setting where I have to settle at the end of each day by running a batch of shipping labels and it hits my card only once.

Bad part about that is you cannot ship if you need to get 1 or 2 more boxes out after the batch. Another big issue is you have to print 100+ labels and make sure they get on the correct boxes. Before I just printed the label and stuck it on the box. It got billed to my charge account and then weekly on my credit card.

The system is so much more cumbersome now, so Yeah you are right, they are doing everything to drive business away.

That said they are one of the only services that goes deep into rural and p.o. boxes so we are stuck with them and have to play by their rules. Then again at $12.80 per box I won't complain because our average ticket price is about $150-$250 dollars and we still charge $9.95 shipping. So it is pretty easy to absorb that 2-3 dollar cost per box.
Sorry Frank, what I was saying about Amazon was that I believe they will enter the shipping space in the future. It actually makes sense. Canada Post has us a bit by the short-hairs because of the lower than UPS/Fedex/CanPar rates and like you said, the only one to deliver to PO Boxes. Not sure what you use for CP shipping, but I use ShipStation and it's is relatively easy to use. I agree that the 2-3 dollar extra cost to you is minimal.
yeah, shit those prices seem ridiculous, especially if the package is small enough to be delivered to a community mailbox! If they're big enough to require a UPS/Fedex truck making a delivery direct to your door, I get it...
MapleDots said:
Part of that downgrade is that they are also eliminating the charge account and you have to use a personal credit card to pay for each package. I called them and asked if they were insane, I said you cannot bill my credit card 100 times per day, it is bound to screw up sooner or later.

WOW. OH THE STUPIDITY... Sounds exactly like it runs with the efficiency of every other gov't run service.
aactive said:
Not sure what you use for CP shipping

I use SnapShip from Canada Post

It's actually quite slick and free to use. It is what they forced on me when they shut down EST online for commercial.

Yours is a third party service so there is a subscription charge and inevitably a hidden markup. Mine is billed straight from Canada Post and I must say using snapship is so superior because you barely start typing in a new address and it comes up. It's almost like magic, I sometimes wonder how they do it so fast. We never get address mistakes anymore because in most cases we are correcting the clients errors from when they placed the order.
rlm said:
especially if the package is small enough to be delivered to a community mailbox!

Almost none of our packages fit in the standard superbox, they usually use the bigger compartment and leave a key in the customer mailbox. A lot of times when we have orders over $1000 those compartments are also too small and door delivery is the only option.
MapleDots said:
I use SnapShip from Canada Post

It's actually quite slick and free to use. It is what they forced on me when they shut down EST online for commercial.

Yours is a third party service so there is a subscription charge and inevitably a hidden markup. Mine is billed straight from Canada Post and I must say using snapship is so superior because you barely start typing in a new address and it comes up. It's almost like magic, I sometimes wonder how they do it so fast. We never get address mistakes anymore because in most cases we are correcting the clients errors from when they placed the order.

You might want to look at Shipstation. All your orders are pulled automatically into Shipstation from our eCommerce platform, with complete address info etc. There is no commission on Canada Post rates. I pay $49 US a month subscription. It saves me a lot of time! If you like what you are using, that's great.

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