Editing for Trusted Members (2.Viewing)

Wondering the same thing....or is it only moderators that can do that as I see that “boardwide editing of your posts”was one of the perks of being a moderator.
We are having some difficulties with that...

Seems like the board software does not differentiate between edit and delete and the problem is with the first post. If that gets deleted then so does the topic and that could be problematic because we don't want whole topics deleted.

So my iT guy locked edit at 30 minutes until he figures out how to solve this issue.
The board software is written to be very easy to use so it does not have a lot of customizations unless you code them in and I am currently discussing that options with iT.

I have been thinking about maybe switching to ZenForo but it's not cheap at $160 +$55 yearly + possibly copyright removal around $300. Then a proper skin and mods all of which are paid.

There are advantages to our current software because there are so few scripts available. Our PM system for instance is so basic that no spy script is available. Our forum software cannot spy on members private messages where boards like ZenForo, MyBB and most other top software easily can.

We do not store IP's, and private information. In fact we stripped out almost everything that compromises privacy. As soon as we switch software these privacy invading features come as part of the software package.

On our boards even mods get no IP info or anything more than each member sees. Even the admin only has very basic information like the last used iP address which is hidden from everyone including mods.

So right now I'm trying to balance privacy with features and we have to decide what we want. I can adjust the edit time to anything but the worry is always the first post which if deleted causes us some big issues.

Everything is in Beta right now and before January 1st so we can openly discuss what we want ands we can easily switch software. That comes at a risk in the privacy department because my iT guy assured me this software is the most privacy oriented software there is. So we have to decide features vs privacy.
PS. Initially we decided we did not want a private message system but since ours does not spy I figured it might be nice to have for quick messages. I did have them put the email link into every post so members can pick email over PM if a sensitive topic comes up.

Our email form also does not log anything, there is no script available for this with the current software.

So again for privacy this is the best software.
Thanks.... I know this is basically a “soft opening” to get things sorted.

MapleDots said:
Everything is in Beta right now and before January 1st so we can openly discuss what we want ands we can easily switch software. That comes at a risk in the privacy department because my iT guy assured me this software is the most privacy oriented software there is. So we have to decide features vs privacy.
Just got off the phone with iT
Apparently we can work on the edit features by adding some code.

I was thinking maybe something like this...


When a member reaches trusted status they can edit their posts unlimited and before then they are limited to 30 minutes.

New Member - Basic rights

DN Member - Mid level rights

Trusted Member - Full rights (unlimited edit and other perks

Super Member - Don't know yet, maybe super powers of some sort :lol:
Ok....working on 1000 posts....what are super power options? :cool:
I like trusted member for edit rights

I added the following members to the trusted user group because I already know them.


So basically you should have permanent edit abilities. I need to test all this as far as titles edit etc so please work with me.

Trusted members also get

green user names (as in trusted)
no flood controls, can post consecutively
no pm flood controls

Again, a work in progress, let me know what works.
Sounds good. I was just going to obfuscate the domain name on that "experiment" post I made, now that the negotiations have completed. I just didn't want a permanent record of the domain name in there.
Should work now

So the way my iT guy set it up is that members have no edit rights until they have trusted member status at 100 posts.

At 100 posts you have unlimited edit rights including the title.

As stated above a few members have been added to the trusted member group.

Sorry, to new members, I will try to give 30 minute edit time but it's more code I have to get them to write so to give trusted members unlimited edit we had to turn off edit board wide and then grant privileges to trusted members.

rlm please confirm it works for you
You know what would be cool? If you could type a domain name in a post using a magic format that could be programmatically located, like [=mydomain.ca=][1w] or some other unique pattern. Then the domain name automatically gets obfuscated after the specified period (i.e. the [1w] part). So in my example, [=mydomain.ca=][1w] would automatically get redacted 1 week later and would then look like this: [domain redacted]

So its kinda like snapchat or a MissionImpossible self-destruct instruction on the domain name.

It would be easy to do, run a script run via cron to locate messages in the db with the magic format, test to see if the period has passed, then auto-redact it. Anyone _not_ wanting that feature would just type their domain some other way.

Not sure if anyone else likes that idea or not, but I guess I'm more the discreet type, I don't mind sharing stuff briefly but also don't necessarily want it permanently out there either...
rlm said:
So its kinda like snapchat or a MissionImpossible self-destruct instruction on the domain name.

I can give that to iT to work on but we have to finish up the basics first, tweak things that assure everything is functioning according to plan.

PS. Are you going to change your avatar?
Sometimes I don't realize it's you responding until I look twice.
MapleDots said:
Just got off the phone with iT
Apparently we can work on the edit features by adding some code.

I was thinking maybe something like this...

When a member reaches trusted status they can edit their posts unlimited and before then they are limited to 30 minutes.

New Member - Basic rights

DN Member - Mid level rights

Trusted Member - Full rights (unlimited edit and other perks

Super Member - Don't know yet, maybe super powers of some sort :lol:

I think this is a great idea. I will also take the super powers with a blue cape! :lol:

Thanks for the add to trustee member as well.
MapleDots said:
I can give that to iT to work on but we have to finish up the basics first, tweak things that assure everything is functioning according to plan.

Not a big deal, that idea just popped into my head for some reason. It might not get used enough anyways.

MapleDots said:
PS. Are you going to change your avatar?
Sometimes I don't realize it's you responding until I look twice.

Well I was just waiting to see of this forum is going to make it first, haha. I'm trying to do my part and help you out though, I'm no longer posting elsewhere and purposely posting more than usual here...

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