
How do we edit old posts? I thought we'd be able to edit them forever, but the edit feature disappears after a while still.
MapleDots said:Everything is in Beta right now and before January 1st so we can openly discuss what we want ands we can easily switch software. That comes at a risk in the privacy department because my iT guy assured me this software is the most privacy oriented software there is. So we have to decide features vs privacy.
jaydub said:Thanks.... I know this is basically a “soft opening” to get things sorted.
rlm said:So its kinda like snapchat or a MissionImpossible self-destruct instruction on the domain name.
MapleDots said:Just got off the phone with iT
Apparently we can work on the edit features by adding some code.
I was thinking maybe something like this...
When a member reaches trusted status they can edit their posts unlimited and before then they are limited to 30 minutes.
New Member - Basic rights
DN Member - Mid level rights
Trusted Member - Full rights (unlimited edit and other perks
Super Member - Don't know yet, maybe super powers of some sort :lol:
Nafti said:Thanks for the add to trustee member as well.
MapleDots said:I can give that to iT to work on but we have to finish up the basics first, tweak things that assure everything is functioning according to plan.
MapleDots said:PS. Are you going to change your avatar?
Sometimes I don't realize it's you responding until I look twice.