Epik can't pay any of its users right now (5.Viewing)

I heard it from a reliable source they're folding for sure

Yep, and you can tell by their "burn all bridges" comments. No way anyone would say crap like that if they had any hope of remaining solvent.

It's just a really sad story that can only undermine trust in online business, right up there with all the crypto grifts.
In response to @rlm comment, a word of caution and advice to everyone that goes beyond any domains you might have with an Epik related RAR, keep your whois information accurate! I have reminded people in the past, and will do it again here, the whois record that CIRA receives from the registrar defines the legitimate owner of the domain. So, for example, if you have chosen to use an independent privacy service, from a legal perspective, the privacy service owns your domain! Some registrars offer their own "in-house" privacy service (I am not sure why any individual would choose to do that because at CIRA individual whois data is already privacy protected and redacted in whois) so if the registrar goes bust it will be very difficult for any registrant to claim ownership with CIRA. The registrar would need to either remove privacy, or continue to offer the service even if the domain were hosted at a different RAR, or provide CIRA with a declaration that shows which domains are owned by which registrants (and again you would be at the mercy of the RAR in question).
So, for example, if you have chosen to use an independent privacy service, from a legal perspective, the privacy service owns your domain! Some registrars offer their own "in-house" privacy service (I am not sure why any individual would choose to do that because at CIRA individual whois data is already privacy protected and redacted in whois)

Great advice, but I will note that businesses or other legal entities would require external privacy methods to hide the WHOIS on a .CA domain.
@DomainRecap that is correct although we have a mechanism where a corporation can apply to have their whois information redacted. These are considered on a case by case basis by our legal team. A use case example would be a business that offers a service that may be controversial and do not want to attract attention to their door step by people who may be opposed to their way of thinking (abortion for example).
In response to @rlm comment, a word of caution and advice to everyone that goes beyond any domains you might have with an Epik related RAR, keep your whois information accurate! I have reminded people in the past, and will do it again here, the whois record that CIRA receives from the registrar defines the legitimate owner of the domain. So, for example, if you have chosen to use an independent privacy service, from a legal perspective, the privacy service owns your domain! Some registrars offer their own "in-house" privacy service (I am not sure why any individual would choose to do that because at CIRA individual whois data is already privacy protected and redacted in whois) so if the registrar goes bust it will be very difficult for any registrant to claim ownership with CIRA. The registrar would need to either remove privacy, or continue to offer the service even if the domain were hosted at a different RAR, or provide CIRA with a declaration that shows which domains are owned by which registrants (and again you would be at the mercy of the RAR in question).
Great advice, I didn't even think of that since I don't use those privacy services... Scary possibilities there.
And yes, everyone should always keep accurate whois.
Great advice, I didn't even think of that since I don't use those privacy services... Scary possibilities there.
And yes, everyone should always keep accurate whois.

I make a WHOIS profile and all incoming domains are automatically changed to that profile.
I make a WHOIS profile and all incoming domains are automatically changed to that profile.
I agree its best practices to consolidate domains to as few registrant profiles as possible, not all registrars make that easy though. Thankfully my primary registrar is good with those bulk tools.
Yeah, I'm trying to switch to WHC and I get error after error trying to update whois, definitely not ideal.

GoDaddy is automatic to my profile, WHC has the same but if you try to update to the profile it throws an error.
Yeah, I'm trying to switch to WHC and I get error after error trying to update whois, definitely not ideal.

GoDaddy is automatic to my profile, WHC has the same but if you try to update to the profile it throws an error.
Baremetal is your friend... bulk tools and the KISS principle...
This Epik - Masterbucks situation seems to only get even more insane. From new "sales" being held hostage with Epik's "MagicBeans" currency, to domains being stolen by the Epik registrar, to Epik registered domains that are not even for sale showing up on the MLS network... it's truly a Twilight Zone-level experience at a level I have never seen before for domains, and I thank the Lord above that I am not even peripherally involved in this fiasco.
This Epik - Masterbucks situation seems to only get even more insane. From new "sales" being held hostage with Epik's "MagicBeans" currency, to domains being stolen by the Epik registrar, to Epik registered domains that are not even for sale showing up on the MLS network... it's truly a Twilight Zone-level experience at a level I have never seen before for domains, and I thank the Lord above that I am not even peripherally involved in this fiasco.

Lots of clues out there that Rob was a little off. Thankfully I already had a great registrar, so I was never tempted to do biz with him.
Rumours abound that some users cannot register domains at Epik anymore and others register and then are not getting the domains.

Officially dn.ca recommends you use extreme caution when doing ANY business at Epik.

Personally I think Rob Monster got in over his head and bought too many companies but the new CEO seems to be an all out crook by continuing to take money for things he knows he cannot provide.

Any guesses on how much the Epik.com domain name sells for after the fact?

It might actually end up being their biggest asset to pay off investors.

Looks like you made the news too @DomainRecap

Namepros user, DomainRecap said “Someone (probably the ~25% ownership) is holding an axe over Rob’s head in order to try and right the ship. Maybe Brian is the 25% or has a close relationship to him/her/them, as I see no other reason to place such a prickly personality in charge of this (cough) “Epik recovery”.
I am not going to take over this forum with Epik stuff, but wanted to give one quick update.

It keeps getting worse and worse. On top of already owing customer debts in the millions...

Customers are now losing domains because renewals are not being applied.

Some customers have reported that their domains have been transferred in recent days without authorization, in a reported Epik portfolio sale of 4000+ domains that moved between Epik and Key Systems.

This includes the domain Patterns.com, which according to Bill Hartzer -

"The stolen domain name Patterns was recovered via UDRP and it should have been transferred to the original registrant, the true owner of the domain name.

The right thing to do here is for Epik Inc to immediately transfer ownership of Patterns to the original registrant, the one who won the UDRP. I just recently (yesterday) learned that even though there is an agreement in place to split the proceeds of the sale of the domain name, Epik has decided that the domain name is theirs (apparently) and the original registrant has no rights to the domain name.

To put it mildly, I am furious that Epik is doing this. There are SO many things wrong with this."

I am working with other parties to try to get a full list of domains that were transferred.

Even if the portfolio sale was legit, the proceeds have not been used to pay outstanding customer debts.

They have basically terminated almost every employee that has any knowledge of domains.

As time goes on, the victim list seems to grow.

If people want to stay updated this thread has tons of new information.

alert - The fund can't be withdrawal from Epik.com via Masterbucks wallet


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