.CA HushBlankets.ca is now Hush.ca (1 Viewing)


Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Toronto, ON


Today we're excited to announce a big milestone in our history as a young brand.

We have dropped the blankets from our domain and switched to hush.ca!

Don't worry, we're still the same people and same products, giving you the best online shopping experience for sleep-optimizing products.

This is an important move for us for a few reasons.

Over the past year with the launch of the Hush Pillow, Hush Blackout Eyemask, and the Hush Iced 2.0 Sheets, we no longer just sell blankets. Being just "Hush" is more representative of what we offer, and we don't want to be limited to just weighted blankets.

Seeing as our branding from day one has always been around the text-based logo Hush, we really grew into that name! Customers, friends, and business colleagues endearingly referred to us as Hush instead of Hush Blankets.

Hush logo

Not to mention, the period at the end of the logo now allows a cool ".ca" to appear at the end, which works well for us when doing some "out-of-home" activations.


Read more here:
Hush Blankets is now Hush.ca + Montreal Canadiens Official Sponsor!
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Nice catch Frank and a nice shoutout by Hush for .CA *THUMBSUP*
Very nice to see them make the switch, and make a a big announcement about it. It is indeed a very nice upgrade.

No price out there but they acquired the domain on Nov 10th, 2020 according to this video they posted on FB yesterday, where they also show their excitement about the acquisition. Click on the image to see the FB video:

This is the beauty of Core Online Branding, as it is shorter, easier to remember, better for advertising and promotions (the NHL ad is a great example), and as stated, this allows you to sell anything.
It’s great to see companies get it when it comes to acquiring the short version of their name. Would love to know what they paid considering that they possibly bought it from an already existing end user?
Nafti said:
It’s great to see companies get it when it comes to acquiring the short version of their name. Would love to know what they paid considering that they possibly bought it from an already existing end user?

Someone could reach out to Hush Homes, or Hush Blankets, and politely ask if they can disclose the price. Might sound a bit inappropriate but I think it's fine as long as you're polite/respectful. The big dogs on Twitter do this all the time when they learn a .COM has changed hands.
So judging by his post, he’s saying that it’s a high 6 figure sale? Possibly even low 7 figures?
We need to find out what the sale price was.

It had to be significant to get hush homes to change their domain.

Also rack.ca looks like another significant sale.
domains said:
I noticed that Hush.ca ad during the hockey game. Really getting the word out there.

Funny you mention that. As I was on Social Media today, look what popped up! Almost like they are stalking me or something! :lol:

I just heard from a credible source that the hush.ca domain is now the highest .ca domain sale ever at or around 1 million.

I cannot say more than that until I get permission to share more information but I also know the company is now aggressively trying to get hush.com from hush mail.

Stay tuned I hopefully I can share more soon.
From my email interview with Kevin Ausman from Rack.ca

What I know is one of the owners of Hush had posted the news on Linkedin claiming to have secured the hush.ca domain name at the highest price paid in .ca history, the highest previous public trade for a .ca domain I could find was CreditCards.ca for $650k which I am sure you are aware of.

If I were to guess, I would think Hush may have paid 1 million in order to make a lucrative offer to an actual owner that was using the domain for their business rather than a domainer parked page trying to sell. I know they are looking at Hush.com next but I can tell you they will have to pay dearly because this site is owned by another end user that has the hush.com site forwarded to hushmail.com, they got the .ca from an end user so they are aggressive and anything is possible.

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