It looks like the merge has now been moved to June 1 instead of May 31 according to the email I received from them today
MapleDots said:Ok, so maybe we will use this topic to report any issues. Should be pretty straight forward, I only have 2 domains at Siber so I will report back if they and when they land in my WHC account. Hopefully name servers etc carry forward.
MapleDots said:Mine have not so they probably did not link the accounts. They both have the same email address and that is what I thought was needed but I guess I am missing something.
There is an account number at Siber but not at WHC so it will be a bit tricky for me to get them linked.
Maybe [notify]FM[/notify] can give me some advice here
Anyone else not transfer?
FM said:Frank, please check if you received an email that your account migration is complete, as it's still in progress. If there's a merge needed, we'll gladly help with that.
Spex said:Mine haven't transferred yet. Guess they're doing batches?
MapleDots said:PS. I have to say since you joined WHC the service has been exemplary!!
You are to DN.ca what Joe Styler is to namepoos *THUMBSUP*
FM said:It will still take a few hours to complete, you should receive an email when your account has been migrated.
FM said:It will still take a few hours to complete, you should receive an email when your account has been migrated.
silentg said:I don't see my invoices from Sibername here >