SOCIAL My favourite Twitter post today (11.Viewing)

The scientific community has been telling us for a decade that there are TOO MANY PEOPLE and NOT ENOUGH RESOURCES and that we're all going to be toast within 25 years.

Rick's picture above is pure visual proof.

P.S. There is actually a similar scientific theory as to why we haven't been contacted by an alien race- and it's because all intelligent species are inherently selfish and run their planets dry of resources (and descend back into barbarism) well before they can develop interstellar modes of transportation. It actually makes a lot of sense and we're living that theory right now.

Hell, Russia, China and the US are actively trying to develop a way of stripping the Moon for its resources... that's sci-fi sheit, but it shows how desperate we are.
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What's interesting is that it's not real elemental sand, and is just crushed glass (a "sand alternative") so what happens when someone tries to process that "crushed glass" as real sand (to create new glass or for silicon) using existing production technologies?
I'm no expert but I was thinking they could probably just use the "crushed glass sand", mixed with real sand, to make glass again if they wanted? Since sand or silica is the main ingredient to begin with?

I'm sure the answer is out there as there's a ton of material covering the subject. Not sure if this highlighted part below confirms my thoughts but maybe?


[click on image for link]
But that's when they know they have glass and add it back in at a certain point. I'm referring to them processing a million tons of sand, a significant amount of which is "alternative sand".

Might do nothing, but it might do something depending on the processing tech.
I remember back when eBay (and its predecessor AuctionWeb) first started up, you literally had to either mail a check, MO or cash in order to buy anything, so that quote about Bezos is hardly surprising in 1995.

I know I sent a lot of US dollars down to American sellers in the 90's - I used to keep a big stack on my desk.
This is yet another illogical and bizarre idea that wants to hitch a ride on the eco-friendly and sustainable markets wagon, when in reality, it would far more eco-friendly to just melt down the shipping container and produce another one from the metal.

The core challenge we are facing is that we produce way too much "stuff" for a rapidly-expanding global population.

The very act of capitalism in today's world dooms the human race due to resource usage (look at all the extra crap installed on the "shipping container"), pollution and carbon production, so if you're making or selling anything non-essential, no matter how your marketing department repositions it as environmentally-friendly :D, you are a big part of the problem.

But hey, we all gotta eat right? So nothing will change, other than the methods of marketing, such as portraying a shipping container being loaded with up lots of extra plastic, metal and paint to make a pool, as being "eco-friendly". Nope, they're just trying to sell more pools to the eco-fools.
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Using shipping containers for pools, mini homes/cottages/sheds/etc certainly isn't a new idea.

I have some friends that were playing around with the idea years back and they certainly didn't care about the eco-friendliness of it all. It was just a lot cheaper alternative to the real thing if you make it DYI project... BUT you still need to have the tools, knowledge and time to really save a significant amount of money. It obviously isn't for everyone.

Those we see in the video don't seem so economical as they're pimped out prefabs being shipped to mansions and moved around with a crane. Not sure how economical those are with the whole process but maybe still cheaper that having one custom made from scratch.
Those we see in the video don't seem so economical as they're pimped out prefabs being shipped to mansions and moved around with a crane. Not sure how economical those are with the whole process but maybe still cheaper that having one custom made from scratch.

Exactly and these are clearly being marketed to the elites who want to be "eco-friendly" and "save the Earth" by using a cast-off shipping container "that would just go into the landfill". LOL

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