New Features - Added Today (1 Viewing)

Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Toronto, ON
I have a new feature for Verified Members - Please note to prevent abuse by Junior members you have to be verified to use this function.

The feature is called PM Author - as in Private Message the Author of the post.

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Once you click it it will quote the post and send a private message to the author.

This is used if you need to convey something to the Author in private.

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Now if the Author does not wish to receive private messages from a particular user then they can simply block him.

This feature will be especially useful in the namepost marketplace if you want to ask the domain seller a question.

This feature is now open to all members
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Look at the bottom of the screenshot, you will notice that verified members are now able to see who has viewed each topic.
Again this is only available to verified members who are generally a group of trusted members.

This feature will take effect today and show anyone who has viewed the topic as of today July 3rd, 2022

This feature is now open to all members
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New Features

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I am going to keep a running tab here as I add new features.

Today I added a Topic Count into each post and Member Profiles.

So now it Counts Topics, Posts & Likes

See to the left here for an example.
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The system will also create a welcome topic in the Lunch Room for each new member that joins.
Added the following....

Users now get an email when their username is tagged:
@Nafti @jaydub @silentg - can you confirm this works for you

You also get an email when you receive a new private message

This features can easily be toggled on and off in your profile preferences
Yes, worked for me.

Looking forward to more addons.
Also wanted to add how fast my posts goes through. The forum is on Ben Johnson steroids!
Yes, worked for me.

Looking forward to more addons.

Yeah, I had to build that notification system on the old software and I was pretty shocked that it was not part of Xenforo.

Anyways, now you get an email when you get tagged
Also wanted to add how fast my posts goes through. The forum is on Ben Johnson steroids!

HeHe.... its called paying mucho dinero for the proper server.
New feature just added is AJAX notification

Before you had to click a link and wait for the page to refresh before you saw the notification bell go off at the top of the board.

Now it is done through ajax and no page refresh is required, it checks every 10 seconds and gives you the notification bell.
Got the email…slick

Today I added the ability to sort the member list alphabetically.​

A great tool to look for all members starting with a letter like "M"

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Click the image to see it in action
Added a sponsored section to the bottom of the forum today

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  • Like
Reactions: FM
Added a LIVE AUCTION setting in the NamePost Marketplace today

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Got our new resource link exchange fully active today

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Cleaned up all links on bard to be

Other than topic content all board links are now 1-2 words
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The history feature is only available to verified members, it allows to to see all the topic you read filtered from newest to oldest.
This allows you to quickly find a topic you read and want to come back to.

This feature is now open to all members
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To quickly find YOUR sales topics you can click the " Your Threads " button and it will list all of YOUR sales topics within that forum category.

ie: in,,

We are inovating at (y)

This feature is now open to all members
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Sponsors who contribute to keep free for everyone.

Sponsors who contribute to keep free.

Members who recently read this topic: 9
