The most Overpriced .CA Domains on GoDaddy Auction (1.Viewing)

MapleDotsMapleDots is verified member.
Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Waterloo, ON
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Here is a list of the most overpriced .ca domains currently listed on GoDaddy Auction.

In my humble opinion not one of these domains is properly priced.
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Not sure how is up there. I remember learning how was restricted/reserved for a municipality in Alberta, and GD requires everyone to verify listings as far as I know, so how did it get listed?

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On that note, has the CIRA a) taken back all the error registrations, and (aka Richard) b) got back to us when the "last province registration expired" domains are being released?
a) I believe they have taken them all back but hard to be certain; and
b) no updates yet about any releases.
My guess is that the seller listed it when CIRA released all the names this year by mistake.

On second thought, I don't think this can be the reason.

Geo/municipal domains weren't affected during that specific incident, so it can't be it. Only domains that were restricted because of provincial/third-level registrations became available again by mistake.
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Only domains that were restricted because of provincial/second-level registrations became available again by mistake.

I wonder how many of these domains were "sold on push" before the CIRA got wind of the problem and started re-locking them?
I wonder how many of these domains were "sold on push" before the CIRA got wind of the problem and started re-locking them?
None. I registered most of them, like well over a thousand. I wasn't about to go down that route and make a bigger mess by trying to quickly sell something. I didn't even respond to inquiries on those domains as I knew most (if not all) would be revoked. In the end, all were revoked. Another member here reg'd close to a hundred. I don't think he sold any either.
Seems like was registered only yesterday and was there another new breach at CIRA? Really curious to know now. If so, this could be embarrassing.
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How did you catch it so promptly MapleDots @MapleDots Was that an alert you had in place?
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Seems like was registered only yesterday and was there another new breach at CIRA?

This is getting very stupid, and it's only a matter of time (if it hasn't happened already) until some scammer "push sells" one of these restricted domains for $$$ and creates an even bigger mess.

Yet another reason why I don't buy domains without a transfer code.
Seems like was registered only yesterday and was there another new breach at CIRA? Really curious to know now. If so, this could be embarrassing.
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How did you catch it so promptly MapleDots @MapleDots Was that an alert you had in place?

What the actual hell is this. You're telling me that someone somehow registered this domain only a matter of hours after my post bringing it up? When it was restricted and still showing as such on whois? Only logical explanation would be the municipality finally went ahead and registered it but somehow I doubt that could happen so quick.
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I am not aware of it as yet and waiting on MapleDots @MapleDots to respond to my request. I will wait till then to ask those who are responsible to provide a confirmation. I hope not and that I can only wish.

I wish I could say it was anything other than luck on my part, I am currently in buy mode for top end one word .ca's and in order to find them I simply sorted by highest price and Buy Now. The list came out pretty mediocre so I thought I would publish it, that is it nothing more so anything you see is there for no other reason than my original search.
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