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Am working on a widget for built in whois lookup on our site.
So far I have this code
The problem is instead of submitting and displaying the results at CIRA it just goes to the cira form and you have to enter the domain name again.
Am trying to figure out how to do it working with the existing CIRA code
@rlm (or someone else) can give me a hand with this one
Am working on a widget for built in whois lookup on our site.
So far I have this code
Text Box:
<form class="sales-funnel-search" data-drupal-selector="sales-funnel-search" action="/ca-domains/whois" method="post" id="sales-funnel-search" accept-charset="UTF-8">
<div class="form-item form-item--textfield form-item--domain js-form-item js-form-type-textfield js-form-item-domain">
for="domain-name" class="form-item__label form-item__label--textfield"
<span class="form-item__label-text form-item__label-text--textfield" >
Domain name
<input spellcheck="false" data-domain-input="" data-drupal-selector="domain-name" aria-describedby="domain-name--description" type="text" id="domain-name" name="domain" value="" size="60" maxlength="128" placeholder="Find a .CA domain" class="form-item__input form-item__input--textfield form-text"/>
<div id="domain-name--description" class="form-item__description">
example: cira or cira.ca
<input data-drupal-selector="form-jzvascad4vzylab4w0siohidy5z1kakhntgjbjwvnzy" type="hidden" name="form_build_id" value="form-JzVAsCaD4vzylaB4w0sIOhiDY5z1kAkhNTgjBjWvnzY" class="form-item__input form-item__input--hidden"/>
<input data-drupal-selector="edit-sales-funnel-search" type="hidden" name="form_id" value="sales_funnel_search" class="form-item__input form-item__input--hidden"/>
<div data-drupal-selector="edit-actions" class="form-actions js-form-wrapper form-wrapper" id="edit-actions">
<input name="domain_search" data-domain-submit="" data-drupal-selector="domain-submit" type="submit" id="domain-submit" value="Search" class="form-item__input form-item__input--submit button js-form-submit form-submit"/>
The problem is instead of submitting and displaying the results at CIRA it just goes to the cira form and you have to enter the domain name again.
Am trying to figure out how to do it working with the existing CIRA code

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