CIRA is raising prices (1 Viewing)

CIRA is making so much money, there is no real cost to justify this increase.

Here is my take on it....

With every dollar they increase my costs of ownership on multiple domains goes up and I end up dropping a few hundred I was kind of sitting on the fence on.

In the end people will register less and CIRA will lose out.

There is no reason a .ca should cost over 10 bucks from the CIRA end
CIRA is making so much money, there is no real cost to justify this increase.

Here is my take on it....

With every dollar they increase my costs of ownership on multiple domains goes up and I end up dropping a few hundred I was kind of sitting on the fence on.

In the end people will register less and CIRA will lose out.

There is no reason a .ca should cost over 10 bucks from the CIRA end
This is not the best news for me at least.

We are the First and the Only Registrar that vowed to forever offer .CA domains registrations at COST PRICE FOREVER!
Many have warned us To Not Say FOREVER etc... But Still will never change that vision PERIOD.

I Yaacov Abenhaim personally as the CEO of the company started this entire journey with this concept in mind -

Which will be benefit everyone, the government, the registry, the investors, the entire Country & TLD as a whole.

.CA domains have extreme potential in so many ways due to a multitude of factors, I will detail all this potential factors in a future post as it's an entire huge conversation subject by itself.

But it if any ccTLD has it, it's definitely .CA, but it needs marketing and especially education to the general Canadian public so the average Canadian can understand the value of the internet, it's capabilities and the role that the domain name has in all of this eco system.

Many know but most don't, and that's the actual reality.

Now will $1.00 dollar change anything on any side ? NO!!!

But in my personal opinion I believe that the time has not matured yet for a price increase.

At any rate will always offer at COST .CA Domain Registrations FOREVER, and best of all we will be releasing many updates that will definitely make our user interface & overall platform an absolute pleasure for the pros & an easy friendly platform for the newbies.

.CA to the MOON...
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This is not the best news for me at least.

We are the First and the Only Registrar that vowed to forever offer .CA domains registrations at COST PRICE FOREVER!
Many have warned us To Not Say FOREVER etc... But Still will never change that vision PERIOD.

I Yaacov Abenhaim personally as the CEO of the company started this entire journey with this concept in mind -

Which will be benefit everyone, the government, the registry, the investors, the entire Country & TLD as a whole.

.CA domains have extreme potential in so many ways due to a multitude of factors, I will detail all this potential factors in a future post as it's an entire huge conversation subject by itself.

But it if any ccTLD has it, it's definitely .CA, but it needs marketing and especially education to the general Canadian public so the average Canadian can understand the value of the internet, it's capabilities and the role that the domain name has in all of this eco system.

Many know but most don't, and that's the actual reality.

Now will $1.00 dollar change anything on any side ? NO!!!

But in my personal opinion I believe that the time has not matured yet for a price increase.

At any rate will always offer at COST .CA Domain Registrations FOREVER, and best of all we will be releasing many updates that will definitely make our user interface & overall platform an absolute pleasure for the pros & an easy friendly platform for the newbies.

.CA to the MOON...

This is simply CIRA grabbing more money for more reasons that are NOT related to running the .CA registry for the benefit of all Canadians. CIRA has all these pet projects that are beyond their mandate of running the .CA registry. This is the continued empire building off the backs of the .CA monopoly, and nothing more. CIRA is literally giving money away for various grants, but now they need to raise rates? I don't buy it. They are doing it just because they think they can get away with it - and that is it. If they stuck to just running the registry, I bet CIRA would need to charge a couple of bucks at most.
The price increase in 2018 was one of the many reasons I decided to bail on being a registrar. The additional cost coming in September is unnecessary.

CIRA must have some heavy salaries to pay for them to keep increasing the cost every 5 years. This 10% increase will most likely result in a 20% increase by registrars.
I just went through some of my remaining domains at godaddy and set all of them to not renew.
Those were the domains I was undecided about and in my case that nullifies any profit CIRA would have made on me with a price increase.

I know it won't matter to the decision makers at CIRA but it matters to me. In the end this is the only way I can show my displeasure.

Next we have to talk about getting on board with CIRA, I recently freed up some time by removing myself from one of my businesses. This will be a great time for me to get involved with CIRA and I think I may toss my hat into the ring come the next election. It's about time domainers like us have proper representation at CIRA to assure we are part of the decision making process.
I just went through some of my remaining domains at godaddy and set all of them to not renew.
Those were the domains I was undecided about and in my case that nullifies any profit CIRA would have made on me with a price increase.

I know it won't matter to the decision makers at CIRA but it matters to me. In the end this is the only way I can show my displeasure.

Next we have to talk about getting on board with CIRA, I recently freed up some time by removing myself from one of my businesses. This will be a great time for me to get involved with CIRA and I think I may toss my hat into the ring come the next election. It's about time domainers like us have proper representation at CIRA to assure we are part of the decision making process.
Even more important, having a close eye on what they are doing with the money....
You do realize, if enough of us run we could actually lower the price right?
Just to put it into perspective

3,359,769 domains registered as of today, that is a 3.3 million dollar dollar annual increase.

In ten years that is 33 million dollars, where is that money going to?

Can we request statements to audit?

Consider this, at $10 per domain cira makes $33,597,690.00 in yearly income.

Now also consider they run more than .ca o_O
You do realize, if enough of us run we could actually lower the price right?
There is only usually one member nominated seat per year, all the other ones are selected by the nominating committee first.
They can start by eliminating their grant program:

Net Good by CIRA

It's essentially a forced "charitable" contribution by registrants, so they can then give our money away to others. It's better to leave the money in the pockets of consumers, who can decide how to best spend their own money.
There is only usually one member nominated seat per year, all the other ones are selected by the nominating committee first.

That's how scams like this usually work, keep the majority as "inside men".
It's essentially a forced "charitable" contribution by registrants, so they can then give our money away to others. It's better to leave the money in the pockets of consumers, who can decide how to best spend their own money.

But where would the CIRA brass get all the perks, the awards, the gov't kudos, and (in their minds) the public adulation for their benevolent generosity?

Corporate grants and donations come with massive kickbacks (free sporting events, free dinners, free trips, awards, honorary degrees, etc.) and I bet the CIRA executive committee already has a meeting scheduled titled "Where The Hell Are We Going to Give Away All This %$#&@ Extra Money?"
On exactly which day did a CIRA exec wake up and decide they needed to become the United Way?
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This is the continued empire building off the backs of the .CA monopoly, and nothing more.

This is exactly the problem. Some bored-out-of-wits CIRA exec woke up from his afternoon nap and had a great idea regarding what to do with "all that money we have laying around".

"Let's donate it to 'worthy' causes!"

So they do. But then the Social Grant Program gets really popular and there are all kinds of perks, luxury boxes, trips, awards and social media adulation from their excessive benevolence in giving away our money. There's just one problem, the CIRA only has so much excess cash to go around each year....

"I've got the solution! Let's raise prices!"

Big cheer from the boardroom and handshakes all around.
CIRA money grab, being run like a government to make itself bigger and create new wasteful programs. Except, they can't create or borrow endless money so it has to come from registrations. That's almost a 25% increase from 2018 then. Would be nice to create our own lobby group and increase domainer and common sense representation at CIRA over time. Isn't .com going up this year too? maybe other extensions too.
CIRA money grab, being run like a government to make itself bigger and create new wasteful programs. Except, they can't create or borrow endless money so it has to come from registrations. That's almost a 25% increase from 2018 then. Would be nice to create our own lobby group and increase domainer and common sense representation at CIRA over time. Isn't .com going up this year too? maybe other extensions too.
.COM is going up again, yes and it did last year too.

Lobby organization for domainers, you say? It exists... Home - . The Domain Name Owners Association of Canada existed, too and was shut down due to a lack of interest/participation.
.COM is going up again, yes and it did last year too.

Lobby organization for domainers, you say? It exists... Home - . The Domain Name Owners Association of Canada existed, too and was shut down due to a lack of interest/participation.
AND that lobby organization for domainers has none other than @Zak as its General Counsel. But I don't see trying to convince CIRA to not raise their prices as a major priority for the ICA compared to other priorities like UDRP reform and domain transfer rights and stopping whois service from getting even worse.
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