Summer Doldrums & Winter Blues (2.Viewing)

December is usually a pretty good month (as half of businesses have their year-end for budgets), and it started out on a good note at the end of November with 3 agreements to purchase domains that were transferable (after 60-day hold) in December, but only 1 paid and I haven't sniffed a sale since.

Tons of traffic, but I don't think there is a lot of business funds out there, as Galen & Co. are taking it all.
I asked $3500. I'm thinking they're either at a $1000 hard limit, or might come back before the offer expires. A bit surprised they haven't tried at least $1500 or $2000.
they came back at $2000 US on Dec 6 and I accepted, it went to Escrow and they took 13 days to pay, I thought the sale would expire without payment. At least there is only 1 day set for inspection. the sale was done through Domain Agents which is a first for me, they contacted me thought Godaddy whois on behalf of the buyer. Domain Agents was so far a smooth process. I can give the name if anyone's interested when I get payment, a two word .com.
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Here we go 2024, first full week is underway, pretty quiet so far :)

Nice to see crypto and crypto domains rising again, though it's still early.
I've had a pretty bad few weeks at work due to provincial government changes that just came out of the blue, even though there is a minimum 30-day notification period (Doug Ford runs the government like he'd run a dive bar) and I've also had all kinds of crap going on with domains, negotiations and sales...

Let's just say I'm not in the best of moods and I'm never Guy Smiley.

Then I get an email that GoDaddy has paid for a domain sale via Paypal.. huh? :unsure:

Oh boy, it's a double-payment from GoDaddy on a domain that was already paid last week. I can't imagine how many hours I'll have to waste to fix another one of their stupid-ass problems, but from past experience I am certain it will be a long time.

I am about ready to pop.

Your wait time is 48 minutes. :mad:
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I've had a pretty bad few weeks at work due to provincial government changes that just came out of the blue, even though there is a minimum 30-day notification period (Doug Ford runs the government like he'd run a dive bar) and I've also had all kinds of crap going on with domains, negotiations and sales...

Let's just say I'm not in the best of moods and I'm never Guy Smiley.

Then I get an email that GoDaddy has paid for a domain sale via Paypal.. huh? :unsure:

Oh boy, it's a double-payment from GoDaddy on a domain that was already paid last week. I can't imagine how many hours I'll have to waste to fix another one of their stupid-ass problems, but from past experience I am certain it will be a long time.

I am about ready to pop.

Your wait time is 48 minutes. :mad:
I wonder what would happen if u didn’t bother contacting them about it. It’s their mistake to notice/fix so you could just wait and see.
I wonder what would happen if u didn’t bother contacting them about it. It’s their mistake to notice/fix so you could just wait and see.

No idea, but even worse in my case is GoDaddy's insistence that there was no double-payment and that everything is fine on their end. I had a guy from GoDaddy Auctions on conference with a CSR and he kept stonewalling me from giving the money back.

I need to document this and send them an email as I DO NOT want money that doesn't belong to me.
Does this mean someone else didn't get paid for their sale?

No, it's a traceable payment to a domain I sold, but one I believe I already got paid for. i.e. a double-payment.

But that first payment is likely not properly documented/fully processed (the "Payout Scheduled" flag on the transaction never changed), which is almost certainly the problem. The system was probably looking through "unpaid transactions" at month-end and just paid that one again.

I'll properly document this domain sale + payments on the weekend and send GD an email.
How was everyone's January 2024 for .ca inquiries/sales?

Was a whole lot of crickets for me. one inquiry from someone who wanted their birth year .ca but only as a "novelty purchase", which means they'll take it if it's cheap. Has been many months now of the quietest period I've had in many years for domaining.

saw a few .ca sales, and the weekly posted domain sales in .com. etc seem to keep marching along...
December was rock bottom for me, so even a few cheap sales in January were good news.

I will say that buyer interest is very low right now and my "number of offers", while usually high no matter what, is deathly low over the last few months.

The current Canadian economy is bad news and quite a scary for a number of reasons. I read an article on my Apple feed where some economists outlined how the Canadian economy was doing next to other G-7 nations and we're in dead last on most (all?) current (and projected) metrics.

In fact, the data suggests an even darker outcome, as with a decreasing GDP per capita, a declining standard of living, a high adult illiteracy rate, a declining per-capita investment in skills development and post-secondary education, rising inflation on level 1 needs (food, housing, fuel, etc.) and rampant, uncontrolled population growth, Canada's economy actually resembles a 3rd-world/Developing Nation.

Even for me, that was still a real eye-opener. :oops:
Over the years there have always been periods of 2 or 3 months of quiet now and then, broken up by a decent sale or two. I started this thread back in July and one of my earlier posts noted that July and August were quiet, and it's been like that through to now.

Majority of my domains are listed at Dan with min offers around $800 US. Others are on my own landing pages with no min offer. As an experiment I should set it to no min offer at Dan and see if there are even any lowballers still out there!
3rd phone call to GoDaddy and was told that is was NOT a duplicate payment and to essentially stop calling them. At this point, I'm starting to think I'm insane and I somehow missed a domain sale, or my books are cooked. It's getting pretty bizarre.

I was going to just refund the payment back to GoDaddy but I don't see the option on Paypal for this transaction and after mulling it over, I'm also a bit concerned that if I do that and am right, they might charge back the first original payment and then I'd be out of pocket twice. Yay!

That scenario is exactly how my luck usually runs - try to do a good deed or or correct someone else's error and I come out in the hole. Then spend days/weeks/months fixing the new problem.

I think for now, the best option is to keep the double-payment in my Paypal account and not touch it and hope someone at GoDaddy discovers the error and either contacts me or Paypal. Either that, or I go see a psychiatrist to determine if I'm the crazy one in the room.
Over the years there have always been periods of 2 or 3 months of quiet now and then, broken up by a decent sale or two.

I know what you mean, but it's impossible to predict when that random "decent sale" is going to pop up, and as Tom Petty said, "Waiting is the Hardest Part".
I love when I get this type of idiotic passive-aggressive "Ahem.. I don't see any website on it" email from the CIRA message delivery system, as the domain clearly forwards to a DAN sales lander:

Hi, I just noticed that this domain was recently renewed. Is this domain still used, I don't see any website associated with it.

The last thing you want to do is reply to these nitwits as they have a nickel in their pockets and are just trying to be a-holes. And yes, it's a last name domain and the sender shares the same last name. :LOL:

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If non-profits aren't the most entitled entities on Earth then I don't know what is.

A month doesn't go by without a few of them offering min-bids then going into insane rages when I counter higher. "But.. but.. but... we're a NON-PROFIT!"

Here's my latest gem:

"No thanks. I work as a nonprofit for community families, so this would be insane, counterproductive, and frankly...robbery. lol. So much for ethical business practices hey?"
If non-profits aren't the most entitled entities on Earth then I don't know what is.
An ex GF of mine worked for a small “non profit” company but somehow the CEO made a nice 6 figures…… Maybe that’s why they’re “non profit”….

What did you respond with? Minus the swear words. 😉
I was nice and told them that I rarely get called out on high prices and am usually thanked for being flexible with pricing. Plus, I stated the universal truth that one's ability to pay cannot ultimately determine price or value.

He cooled down after that or I probably would have been a lot less nice.

And yes, there is really no significant difference between for profit and non-profit other than reporting, as both can freely generate massive revenues, but the non-profit just has to spend it all, often on exorbitant salaries and fixed assets.

I went to a small-to-medium non-profit late last year and everyone had the newest iMac Pro or Macbook Pro sitting on real-wood standing/adjustable desks ($$$) and I looked her up later and the CEO was making 7-figures. But they probably "play the poor card" every chance they get.

"Oh boo hoo hoo! We're a non-profit - how can we spend $5,000 on a domain. It's highway robbery!"

When in reality that desk you just bought for your admin assistant cost $10K, you a-hole.
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