I rescued two domainers by buying their catalogs a little while back, I will never do that again, I have hundreds of domains at registrars I don't want to be at with dozens of logins I have part or full access to. OMG what a mess, I'll be digging out of that one for a while.
I bought the catalogs for specific domains I wanted and would probably have paid the funds just for those domains. The other stuff is barely useful but I will probably hang on to them until expiry. I also inherited a couple hundred .nets, they really agitate me when I see them, don't know why.
The catalogs came from domainers in the business up to 5 years and they spent good money on some great domains when they had funds. As renewals built and everything went to pot they had no choice but to sell and I remember talking to the one guy similar to what rlm is doing now. The guy said he is a business man and knows how to run a business. Well I guess business men know when to cut their losses as well so to a point I agreed with him as I made him a business offer!